| Your questions answered! Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.
Quote of the Week
It may seem an inhospitable location for a nap, and indeed it was, but alas, that was the whole point. Fate had been cruel to the Aisha, and she had lost everything she had ever held dear in her heart, but the cruelty had no end, for her dreams continued to haunt her. They were not dreams of sadness and loss that infiltrated her sleep. Far worse, she dreamt of happiness and love so real that the pain of waking served only to intensify the emptiness of her existence. If only she could conjure up nightmares far worse than the bleak life in which she existed. Then, perhaps, the prospect of reality might become so much less… heartbreaking.
Isca’s and Caylis’s Horoscope for Year 18
Isca can see future events in her dreams while Caylis has nightmares about disasters and misfortunes. She was vindicated after saving Maraqua but felt it was better if she lived by herself, occasionally visited by Isca). So for this issue of dreams and nightmares I thought why not have them write a horoscope for the year! Isca will dream of fortunes while Caylis will have nightmares of challenges |
Behind the Crimes: An Interview With Nox
Matilda Crabapple from the Poison Pen coming to you live from a desolate mountaintop in the Haunted Woods. We're here today in search of the notoriously evil, and scheming Hubrid Nox to find out what devilish plans he has in store for us next.
We caught up with his ghost near his gravestone, conspiring with other ghosts, a few aliens, some zombies, and several mutants. It looks like he might be planning something big, folks. |
 | The Dreamer
Dreams are often misunderstood. They may bring us joy at times, and they can also strike fear in our hearts. They may be our future aspirations in some form or merely about what you ate for a meal yesterday. The one thing that holds true is that everyone seems to have them and oftentimes, they struggle to explain what they mean. Neopians that struggle to interpret their own dreams often seek the counsel of The Dreamer. |
Other Stories |
"Project: Nightmare" by opossumman The fog rolled over the shores of Krawk Island thicker than usual that evening. The haunting sounds of the dock bells fell upon the frightened ears of a dockworker, a green Tuskaninny. Something about this night in particular seemed…off. The waves crashed against the splintered wood of the docks with more than the typical amount of force. It was almost as if a small dinghy was coming ashore. That couldn’t be, he thought. At this time of night? One would have to be crazy to be coming ashore now.
The next day, over on Mystery Island, the sun was a glimmering beacon as always. Myncis leaped up into the air as they played volleyball on the beach, while Jhuidah mixed more ingredients in her Cooking Pot. Along the beach, Tiki Tours were taking place, as the excitement in the eyes of the awestruck tourists spread infectiously to the other vacationers and locals alike, despite the sun’s own powers driving the tourists to sweat. Over at the training school by Techo Mountain, however, sweat was cascading for different reasons.
Jacob panted as he adjusted his brass gear goggles. The Moltaran Christmas Kacheek stood out like a sore thumb among the otherwise casually-dressed visitors to the island. However, this was none of his concern. |
"Dreaming" by reiqua "Ooh - Shiny!” Alisia pounced excitedly on the glinting object beside the footpath that had caught her eye. When she straightened up she was holding a bottle of blue sand.
“Look at how the light reflects off the glass!” she enthused, “it’s so pretty - I'm gonna add it to my collection!”
Darza, her brother, was somewhat less than enthusiastic about this prospect. In fact, the vast majority of people failed to quite share Alisia’s fascination with her collection of shinies. Even her best friend Bela had been known to complain about sitting and looking at shinies for hours on end. Darza pointed this out to his sister.
“Seriously,” Alisia complained, “I don't know what Bela’s problem is! It’s not like my shinies smell that bad!”
Darza grinned at her. “Ahh, but we can fix that!”
Alisia rolled her eyes at him and gave him a playful shove that set him off balance. The red Kau lost his footing and began to stagger around in an overly dramatic fashion, apparently trying to regain his balance. Alisia smiled as she watched his antics. Her brother could be such a clown! But then, something bright caught her eye.
And it was hurtling right towards her brother at breakneck speed.
“Darza!” she screamed in fear, and dove forwards to pull him out of the way.
And not a moment too soon. |
"The Dream Stealer" by vanessa1357924680 Fred took an uncomfortably large bite of his Tofu and Veggie sandwich, wishing that the lunch conversation would change to something—anything—else.
The orange Jubjub worked in one of those brand-new tall offices in Neopia Central where the windows were so clean that he often felt that he would fall right through the glass. He enjoyed his simple job, he enjoyed his coworkers, and he enjoyed the time they all spent chatting over lunch in the shiny employee cafeteria.
Most days, Fred would eagerly join the conversation. If the topic happened to be Yooyuball, he would advocate proudly for team Maraqua. If the topic fell to books, he would recommend one he had just finished reading (such as Galactic Adventures II, which he had zipped through in just two days). He even didn’t mind talking about work on those days when a particular deadline was fast approaching and everyone in the office was too stressed to discuss anything else.
But today, the topic was the one thing Fred could not contribute to: dreams. And so the orange Jubjub ate his sandwich in silence.
 | FREE GIFT OF YOUR DREAMS All Neopian Times readers will receive one FREE Hidden Tower item of their choosing, courtesy of Fyora! This week's issue is brought to you by: The Hidden Tower |
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Great stories!
Child's Dream Blue. As far as brown eyes can see. Azure. Cerulean, sapphire, aquamarine. Ultramarine. It is everywhere. It surrounds her, envelopes her, embraces her. Or is she, in fact, in the midst of it? Or is she in front of it, or... behind it?
by dewdropzz |
Three Tomes to Tame Your Dreams Admittedly, a dream is an unavoidable component of sleep, so it would be beneficial to better understand it. And as always, I rely upon the multitudes of fine bookshops in Neopia to aid in the mastery of this mystifying subject. After scouring many of these literary establishments, I found a selection of excellent volumes that I would like to share with you, dear reader, with the hope that these books will shed light on the mysterious nature of your sleep and dreams.
by binky1260 |
Dreaming “Ooh - Shiny!” Alisia pounced excitedly on the glinting object beside the footpath that had caught her eye. When she straightened up she was holding a bottle of blue sand.
by reiqua |
A Bright Moon, Some Rolling Hills, And Infinity The sky was dark, but distant stars twinkled alongside a full and bright Kreludor moon, giving a pretty sight for two blithe Neopets to gaze at while they lay side by side among rolling grassy hills. They claimed these benevolent hills as their own as they often came to them to gaze at stars, watch a sunrise, or to pick flowers.
by the_gecko_dude_ii |