Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 194,089,139 Issue: 738 | 24th day of Relaxing, Y18
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Short Stories

The Nightmare in Altador

I have never been one to fear the Night. I have long embraced it, revered it. Worshiped it. I have never been given cause to fear the Night. I have never shied away from it, or cowered in the dark, praying for Dawn to arrive.

by skutterbotched
The Dream Stealer

But today, the topic was the one thing Fred could not contribute to: dreams. And so the orange Jubjub ate his sandwich in silence.

by vanessa1357924680
A Jelly Nightmare

The moment Sue opened her eyes, she realized something was wrong. The ship was empty except for the water faerie who floated before her. Of course, Sue could never forget Mariana, the water faerie who arranged all of her passages leaving Krawk Island. There were many things that Sue couldn’t understand about the situation.

by rocksysmom

“Ooh - Shiny!” Alisia pounced excitedly on the glinting object beside the footpath that had caught her eye. When she straightened up she was holding a bottle of blue sand.

by reiqua
Palia Alback for the Win!

Before the Captain could reply, the locker room door burst open with the arrival of the Red Scorchio Referee. “Five minutes, Team Faerieland! Grab your gear and go." With a flutter of wings, Team Faerieland floated out of the locker room to enter the tunnel leading to the pitch.

by rainerbug
A Visionary Nightmare

“Hmm…that explains so much. I never knew that was possible. Its no wonder Arthur’s had the same recurring nightmare for a whole week. Could it be that his adeptness in psychic magic might be affecting his dreams too?”

by shadowknight_72
The Long Road

My family screamed for me when President Evergreen called my name: Melody Harvester.

by parody_ham
Nightmare at the Sanitorium

Talrun looked around the forest as the trees seemed to close in on him. He knew better than to go to deep into the Haunted Woods, but he and his sister Marcy had planned an adventure. They had taken an expedition out to the Meepit Oaks Sanitorium and figured that they could explore it during the day while it was bright out.

by greenj12356
A Bright Moon, Some Rolling Hills, And Infinity

The sky was dark, but distant stars twinkled alongside a full and bright Kreludor moon, giving a pretty sight for two blithe Neopets to gaze at while they lay side by side among rolling grassy hills. They claimed these benevolent hills as their own as they often came to them to gaze at stars, watch a sunrise, or to pick flowers.

by the_gecko_dude_ii
Child's Dream

Blue. As far as brown eyes can see. Azure. Cerulean, sapphire, aquamarine. Ultramarine. It is everywhere. It surrounds her, envelopes her, embraces her. Or is she, in fact, in the midst of it? Or is she in front of it, or... behind it?

by dewdropzz
Project: Nightmare

The fog rolled over the shores of Krawk Island thicker than usual that evening. The haunting sounds of the dock bells fell upon the frightened ears of a dockworker, a green Tuskaninny. Something about this night in particular seemed…off.

by opossumman
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Behind the Crimes: An Interview With Nox

Matilda Crabapple from the Poison Pen coming to you live from a desolate mountaintop in the Haunted Woods. We're here today in search of the notoriously evil, and scheming Hubrid Nox to find out what devilish plans he has in store for us next. We caught up with his ghost near his gravestone, conspiring with other ghosts, a few aliens, some zombies, and several mutants. It looks like he might be planning something big, folks.

Other Stories


Achieving Your Dreams
Achieving your dreams and goals can sometimes seem like an impossible task. Some take months or years, while others take a few weeks. Regardless of how large your dreams might be; this article can provide you with tips and tricks to help your dream become complete.

by gattacaa


Labor Laws of Altador: Are Workers Protected?
The Altador Cup. What many consider a summertime staple, a wholesome event for the entire family to enjoy, actually harbor’s a dark secret few care to acknowledge. It happens in the open, where any can witness it. It may have happened while you were present in the room, right under your nose. It is a crime unparalleled in abhorrence and negligence.

by ironmermaidens


Desert Requiem: Part Three
Sayidah considered herself well-travelled for her age, but her experiences were but a speck of sand in the desert compared to Khalid's. He and Jazan had spent most of the last two centuries exploring new lands, only returning to Sakhmet every twenty years to ascertain the availability of princesses. Khalid narrated some of the adventures they had gone through, some which sounded so incredible that Sayidah would not have believed them had it been anyone else telling the tale.

by kalnya


Clouds Over Cogham: Part Six
Then, finally, the sound of cruel laughter. “Well, it’s no matter, my sister. That was only plan A. There’s always more to be done. And, if I remember correctly, you’ve already thought up a rather fun backup plan, haven’t you?”

by theschizophrenicpunk


A Math Nightmare
Oops? Now that's poor timing

by virusus


The Solution
There has to be a way to figure this out

Also by coconut_rat

by waterbird333

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