Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 177,074,095 Issue: 326 | 18th day of Sleeping, Y10
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

The heroes ignored the gifts and all the riches, and instead focused on helping those in need. And thus they were adored even more. But it wasn't always like this. After all, everyone has to start somewhere. How exactly does a hero become a hero, anyway?

Mr. Ticket

I have had one thing on my agenda; tracking down this kind soul, so we, Lemon and Lemon Productions, could interview him for you. Our goal is to ask him a series of perilous questions and get nothing but interesting answers along the way. Who exactly does this blue paw belong to? Why does he have a hidden stash of Lottery Tickets? Why share? These questions, and many more, will be answered for you today. Stay tuned!

Gourmet Restaurants

Want to take your neopets out on the town tonight? Whether you want to celebrate a precious birthday dinner, or are simply too lazy to cook for your pets, here are rated three of the best well-known restaurants in every aspect, so whether you're dining based on the menu, taste, class, service, location, or even price— this guide has all the information! Read below to find out what restaurant is the perfect one for you!

Underwater Fishing in 5 Steps

In the depths of Maraqua, an exciting new sport has come afloat! Underwater fishing, an instant classic with many Neopets today! The older, more experienced, Neopets enjoy this sport daily with a toss of the reel. But what about the younger Neopets, the ones with no experience whatsoever? Well, this guide will help you smaller ones to understand the ins and outs of casting your reel!

Other Stories
"The Bilge" by samurai_lincoln
My life consisted of doing jobs for someone until the work dried up, spending all my earned Neopoints on worthless trinkets that I'd inevitably lose, and then looking for a new chore. One of those jobs was working of a fishing trawler as a deckhand, along with a rugged Lenny who called himself Tarfeather. He had clearly seen his share...

"Lowered Expectations" by maltese51191
Sendrii brought her bags to the concierge, who snapped her fingers at someone to bring them up to the room. Ariel flew up in a huff when the Lenny tried to take her as well. "Do you remember what room you're in?" the Uni asked. Sendrii suddenly wished she hadn't cut off her owner before when she told her what room...

"The Colour of the Sky" by dogsrule459
"Lori! I thought of all people you would know; a paint brush is permanent! If you don't choose the right colour, you can't change unless you spend all of your neopoints on another paint brush! It's crucial that you find the perfect colour, or you're either scarred for life, or you spend the rest of your valuable money on another colour!"

Savor Your Victory

This week's issue is brought to you by: Hot Dog Hero
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Underwater Fishing: The Easy 5-Step Guide!
In the depths of Maraqua, an exciting new sport has come afloat! Underwater fishing, an instant classic!

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