Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 177,074,095 Issue: 326 | 18th day of Sleeping, Y10
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New Series

Confessions of an Heiress: Part One

Despite the fact that there was a large chance it was illegal to party in the Smugglers Cove, hundreds of pets were crammed inside- much more than would appear to fit...

by goldenpaw
The Magical Coconut Mission: Part One

"I don't pay you a Neopoint per hour to play around in the woods and be late! There are coconuts to be unpacked and stacked!"

Also by chivo

by anjie

Masquerades: Part One

Clearing his throat and straightening his tie again, James steeled himself for a second before knocking on the door. A prim Cybunny wearing spectacles answered it, and looked him up and down disdainfully...

by punctuation_ninja
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"The Bilge" by samurai_lincoln
My life consisted of doing jobs for someone until the work dried up, spending all my earned Neopoints on worthless trinkets that I'd inevitably lose, and then looking for a new chore. One of those jobs was working of a fishing trawler as a deckhand, along with a rugged Lenny who called himself Tarfeather. He had clearly seen his share...

Other Stories


Mystery of the Missing Bubble Bath
Then she let out a horrific gasp. "Stacy, Stacy! The bubble bath is GONE!" she screamed...

by lily_catherine


Life As A Food
Please do not eat our food friends!

by peroxwhy_gen


Major Turnovers of Year 9!
Many severe changes took place last year that changed life at Neopia...

Also by romantikoua_3

by water_park1993


Underwater Fishing: The Easy 5-Step Guide!
In the depths of Maraqua, an exciting new sport has come afloat! Underwater fishing, an instant classic!

by kacim22_2


Fishing Problem

by optimystique


The Blechy Hat
Too bad.

by madeleinebaldwin

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