There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 126,483,444 Issue: 255 | 1st day of Gathering, Y8
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"I knew I made the right decision when I knocked you out and forced you into this crazy adventure."

Pets Win Big at Auctions

Don't we all dream of getting that special Neomail from TNT, saying that we had the winning bid? Well, here is a short (well, maybe not THAT short), but sweet guide for you, showing you how to make more of those Neomails come your way. Welcome to the Neopian Auction House Guide! Here, cool tips will come your way, to make sure you get what you came for...

Games Make Pets Smart

Maybe it's time you take the road less traveled. You can play games that will give you some shiny Neopoints while you're getting smarter. No kidding! You'll ace your geometry test, get into law school, and impress your friends with your game-playing prowess* (*results not guaranteed). As for games around Neopia that make you think, there sure are lots to choose from...

Study Shows Neopets Stressed

Are we overworking our precious little Neopets? Recent research by the Lenny Institute of Pet Stress, (LIPS), concludes that in many cases, yes... we are. According to the two year study, over 60 percent of Neopets living in Neopia Central spend the majority of their days "laboring" for their owners. Most of these Pets spend more time working than they do sleeping, eating, and playing combined!

Other Stories
"The Same But Different" by lightninglover34
Bribery, threats, guilt trips - they had no effect. Plastering a smile on her face, she took a deep breath and climbed the stairs. Sarah walked down the hall to the girls' room, and the noise suddenly stopped. As their mother opened the door, Abby and Tara plopped down on their pillows and smiled innocently at her. "Hi, Mommy."

"How My Best Friend And I Saved Neopia" by lemmykoopa300
Miles was my friend since we were itty bitty babies in the nursery. But when our Literature teacher paired us up for our psychological story studies, I knew I was, as Miles put it, DOOMED. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Mumbling to myself words of gratitude for this interruption, I answered it. You'd never guess...

"The Pink Grobrin Story" by bootpelt
I, Maura the Island Kacheek, was walking home at 10:00 from a late Battledome fight. My friends Toby and Alexis (a blue Techo and a Christmas Kacheek) were with me. We happily carried a "Beating Punchbag Bob" trophy, which we had earned after many, many, MANY months of training. Anyway, as we turned onto Bracknell Road...

Come Have a Cuppa

This week's issue is brought to you by: Ye Olde Coffee Shoppe
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Canned Insanity
Hee hee, I made a punny!

by pirate_11


Clanking cans? That's it?

by ravenatore


Past Reflections: Part Nine
I hated MirrorEyes, at that moment. He had abandoned me at the crucial time, when he could have made himself useful instead of vanishing...

by smurfafied1800


The Search for the Golden Dice: Part Three
When he reached the deck, he made a wild dash for the captain's cabin and managed to grab the door handle before the next wave broke over the ship. Sopping wet and spluttering, Dublin wrenched the door open...

by corr2000


The Neverending Consequences of Abilities
"I told you I wanted to try out my new ability. You could have let me! Then none of this would have happened..."

by animalw180

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