Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 126,483,444 Issue: 255 | 1st day of Gathering, Y8
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Continued Series

True Sisters: Part Eight

"It seems we shall meet this Fanteni upon the field of war in less than one hour. Prepare yourselves, soldiers, for the time has come to battle!"

by im_smarter_then_you
Past Reflections: Part Nine

I hated MirrorEyes, at that moment. He had abandoned me at the crucial time, when he could have made himself useful instead of vanishing...

by smurfafied1800
Encountering Resistance: Part Eight

"Volcanic Rocks," she said, shaking her head. "A lot of good those will do us now. Too bad no one figured out what they were for until it was too late..."

by moosuem
The Peophin Incident: Part Six

"No matter. We're nearing the end of our little treasure hunt, one way or another," Teirryn responded, gulping from his water bottle. "We either succeed, or we die trying..."

by kyrinn
In the Nightmares: Part Four

As Siena ran, she felt the silver bracelet, the one she always wore, slip off of her arm...

by lavendergoddess79
The Kougra Klan: Part Five

She hopped over rocks and ducked under low branches, all the time wondering how she was going to rescue Guanya. It seemed almost impossible...

by ikea_sale
Hannah and the Pirate Boy: Curse of the Medallion - Part Four

"I am disappointed in you, Garin. I expected you to give it your all." Scarblade drew his sword...

by lldff
The Search for the Golden Dice: Part Three

When he reached the deck, he made a wild dash for the captain's cabin and managed to grab the door handle before the next wave broke over the ship. Sopping wet and spluttering, Dublin wrenched the door open...

by corr2000
The Story of a Weapon: Part Two

She now tended to ignore those who came into her cell to study her. They were too slow-witted for her...

by proud_taurus_chic
Needed Adventure: Part Two

"Tell us about the time you escaped from the pound!" Enzo exclaimed, leaping up and bounding around them in excitement...

by tdyans
They'll Never Hear a Word We Say: Part Two

Pretty soon Mel and Sam became inseparable. They spent countless hours goofing off together, in and out of school...

by sytra
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"The Same But Different" by lightninglover34
Bribery, threats, guilt trips - they had no effect. Plastering a smile on her face, she took a deep breath and climbed the stairs. Sarah walked down the hall to the girls' room, and the noise suddenly stopped. As their mother opened the door, Abby and Tara plopped down on their pillows and smiled innocently at her. "Hi, Mommy."

Other Stories


The Tables Have Turned
When she opened her eyes, she was in a bedroom much like her own, but in some way different. She stood up shakily...

by jewishfaerie


The Fearsome Faerie Five
Last to leave as ever was Amyriki, a young blue Bori and Gomo's guest for the summer. She would always hang back, stretching out practice time as long as she could, keen to make the most of every second...

by phoebemittens


Bubble, Bubble, Faerie Bubbles!
A guide that will get you into the know about Faerie Bubbles!

by littlej001


RELAX: Ten Ways to Reduce Stress
Are we overworking our precious little Neopets? Recent research by the Lenny Institute of Pet Stress, (LIPS), concludes that in many cases, yes... we are.

by jennuine_1


The Adventures of Leona and Kaa: Stuffed!
Leonareid was starving, and now she is famished!

by _ob1_kenobi_


The thrilling adventure of a group of Quiguki dolls!

by brokerpet

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