Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 99,276,740 Issue: 197 | 1st day of Swimming, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

It seemed strange that the earth could be so fresh, and the birds could sing so cheerily, when her brother's life depended upon the mercy of greed-driven thieves.

How to Stop the Onslaught

The thing that makes such a game as Swarm fun is its addictive nature and fast paced action. With a great music track that loops the entire game and painless controls; it’s easy to see why anyone can master such a game as Swarm...

The Truth About Turmaculus

Do any of us really know what goes on inside the mind of this mighty petpet? Many people believe that Turmaculus is a ruthless, if not lazy, cannibalistic petpet eater. Others, just a poor being looking for a little R&R...

Finally, Faellies Unveiled

I’m a Faellie, no doubt about it, and I am definitely not a “nervous little thing”. Why, that definition practically labels us all as cowards! On top of that, we have over sensitive ears? What’s that supposed to mean?

Other Stories
"Razzle Dazzle" by battlesunn
"But look!" Emily interjected, jabbing a rusty brown paw at the paper. "It says here that there's a dance component to the presentation as well!"

"When I Grow Up..." by azn_suga_babe
She'd heard from everyone, and she was very happy to see how much the children in her class cooperated. But then she noticed Psellia, in the corner...

"Charley 'n' Me" by dragonhadley
He's my Spardel, good little dog, always does what I tell 'im. Now you're thinking, why would I want such a stupid petpet? Right? Listen here, Charley ain't stupid...

Sloth is your destiny!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Neverending Boss Battle
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Great stories!


Playing The Part: Part Six
"Hey, lights geek! I want those bright shiny things in my face during this rehearsal! I'm the star of the show, and everyone's going to be watching me!"

by precious_katuch14


Meridellian Mayhem - Bullies
When bad Random Events turn good...

by ikkin_with_attitude


Johnny's Story: Part Two
"You're in the Pound, kid," the blue Pteri said, chuckling. "And 'till you get adopted, you ain't getting out."

by sarahsuk


Tough Luck! - Bad Hair Day
Just when you thought things couldn't get worse...

by hopeful_sweeti


Worse Than You #4
Which side are you on?

Art by jerk_head

by sirussblack

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