Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 99,276,740 Issue: 197 | 1st day of Swimming, Y7
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Neopian Wackiness

Pant Devil Wackiness

Also by Aimeilee

by cherv1

Von Roo 2000

An important lesson to all vampires...

by elf7498
Demented Random Events

You have a new quest!

Art by fetedieu

by alexsmum

Jubjub Stew

No one ever said Jubjubs were smart...

by seth123456
Fastest runner...

Does anyone have a quarter?

by nav_z
Worse Than You #4

Which side are you on?

Art by jerk_head

by sirussblack

Random Thoughts

Thanks, I needed that...

by doirn666
Speck the Speckled

Look! A copy of me!

by cheetah_kougra
Random Things!

Oh nose!

by sky665
The Intolerable Two

Don't worry, they'll get the job done...I think...

Also by apzbld

by _chazm_

Tough Luck! - Bad Hair Day

Just when you thought things couldn't get worse...

by hopeful_sweeti

Don't worry! Babies just love me!

by chibikatza


by glowing_banana
Meridellian Mayhem - Bullies

When bad Random Events turn good...

by ikkin_with_attitude
When Two Clay Pets Fight


by cartoonbabyboy
The Cheesy Neos

What kind of fool do you think I am?

by justduckygal
The Adventures of El Picklesaur Plushie: Episode 3

Episode 3: "Whack-a-Staff-Member". Quick! Go get your hammers.

by dragonball_queen
I Love You

Oh, there you are...

by sukuyumaruchan
Just Another Comic

How Scarblade earned his name...

by penguizon
Science Is Wet

This is a perfect example of how bothersome brothers can be... Poor Chila!

by ambrielle15
The Evil Truth

...Stinky feet....

by cassandrafan3

So that's what those events were for. :O

by _demon_master

Pickles do really weird things sometimes...

by victoriavp
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"Charley 'n' Me" by dragonhadley
He's my Spardel, good little dog, always does what I tell 'im. Now you're thinking, why would I want such a stupid petpet? Right? Listen here, Charley ain't stupid...

Other Stories


The Last Question
The nervous faerie Bori gulped. Just one more correct trivia answer and she would become a Neomillionaire in the blink of an eye. The audience members eyed her anxiously...

by precious_katuch14


The Forgotten Neopet
The sands are a depressing grey color, with the occasional glint from pottery that washes ashore. Whether it is Maraquan or from Geraptiku, one cannot tell...

by phsycoticdancer


For Faellies
I am proud to be a Faellie, proud of my big ears, small nose, and especially of my testy personality. So I’m going to do something about these detestable rumors...

by charmedhorses


Misleading Motives: The Money Tree's Secrets
With all of this generosity and fame, how could anyone ask the question, "Is the Money Tree evil?"

by mike2003ekim


True Friends: Part Three
Becca's eyes slid sideways, to the table where all of her friends--ex-friends--sat, laughing and talking...

by extreme_fj0rd


Chain of Pearls: Part One
If the Bruce had been the one to decide the coming of age, she would certainly not have allowed Trisha such freedom tomorrow...

by shadowcristal

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