teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 99,276,740 Issue: 197 | 1st day of Swimming, Y7
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Short Stories

Feepit vs. Meepit

"Please," she scoffed, "You're evil. Meepits are evil. You're all evil, forming a secret army to take over Neopia!"

by shadowcristal
Smatty and the Curse of Maraqua

It was one of those evenings where Smatty knew in the back of her mind that some incredibly useless event was about to occur, but she had decided to ignore that fact...

by springsteen0991
Drenched in Grey

Ten years she had used her powers, and the power of others, to blacken the Sun, to keep the warmth but darken the light. Ten years she had had to reconsider, but never did...

by _sunset_phoenix
When I Grow Up...

The teacher was quite amused. She'd heard from everyone, and she was very happy to see how much the children in her class cooperated. But then she noticed Psellia, in the corner...

by azn_suga_babe
The Last Question

The nervous faerie Bori gulped. Just one more correct trivia answer and she would become a Neomillionaire in the blink of an eye. The audience members eyed her anxiously...

by precious_katuch14
Illusen vs. Jhudora

The Chia stepped out of Illusen's Glade and jumped back, startled. He dropped the potion out of shock, but he managed to catch it again before it hit the ground. In front of him, a purple and black gown ominously twirled...

by hwtennisgirl6
A Friend Indeed

The reason I was in a rush was simple: I was on a job from the Faerieland Employment Agency. My task was to find two copies of 'Nerkmid Mania' and I only had 16 minutes to find and give them to my boss.

by xtrat
Tainted Wings

She longed for the day when she would get dainty pink and white wings, soaring through the air, free to fly anywhere she wanted...

by digital_microwave
Pfish Neopians

"So, you think you might actually get one?" Giselle asked me as we walked along Rainbow Lane. "That's so exciting! You deserve it, you know. You've wanted it for so long."

by aigroegdede
The Forgotten Neopet

The sands are a depressing grey color, with the occasional glint from pottery that washes ashore. Whether it is Maraquan or from Geraptiku, one cannot tell...

by phsycoticdancer
Razzle Dazzle

"Okay, so we can't dance traditionally. That doesn't mean that we can't do modern dance."

by battlesunn
Charley 'n' Me

I guess you’re wondering who Charley is. He’s my Spardel, good little dog, always does what I tell ‘im...

by dragonhadley
Search the Neopian Times


"When I Grow Up..." by azn_suga_babe
She'd heard from everyone, and she was very happy to see how much the children in her class cooperated. But then she noticed Psellia, in the corner...

Other Stories


Journeys Through the Concert Hall: 2 Gallon Hatz
I'm sort of a musical guy. Therefore, it's only logical that I should bombard the Tyrannian Concert Hall every day of my pathetic life...

by tojiiru


The Annual Neopian Villains Convention
Yes, this convention sure is going to be a big one, all right. I mean, they’re giving away free piles of sludge!

by skittleiciousgirl


Home < High Seas: Part Two
Thus she was in the perfect spot to listen when he began expounding tales of his bravery and past conquests. He rattled on and on, his subordinates doing their best not to look bored. But Desterenel...

by destervetha


The Son of Sahkmet: Part Three
They'd all seen his eyes so filled with love as he stared at that little Usul. How could she have done such a thing?

by twirlsncurls5


Worse Than You #4
Which side are you on?

Art by jerk_head

by sirussblack


Meridellian Mayhem - Bullies
When bad Random Events turn good...

by ikkin_with_attitude

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