Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 99,276,740 Issue: 197 | 1st day of Swimming, Y7
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Curses, Inside-Out: Part One

Lord Darigan, looking rather like a gray gargoyle, had perched on the castle wall. "You know," she said to him, "there is a gate."

Also by Dreagoddess

by schefflera

The Curse of Maraqua: Memories - Part One

Carefully, he picked away the ferns with his claws. A baby Eyrie, much like himself, squabbled about in it, clicking his beak furiously...

by charlotte203368

By My Honor: Part One

"I want you to rise above where I spent my life." Her gaze returned to his eyes, sincere. "Tory, I want you to become a knight."

by laurelinden
Chain of Pearls: Part One

If the Bruce had been the one to decide the coming of age, she would certainly not have allowed Trisha such freedom tomorrow...

by shadowcristal
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How to Stop the Onslaught

The thing that makes such a game as Swarm fun is its addictive nature and fast paced action. With a great music track that loops the entire game and painless controls; it’s easy to see why anyone can master such a game as Swarm...

Other Stories


The Last Question
The nervous faerie Bori gulped. Just one more correct trivia answer and she would become a Neomillionaire in the blink of an eye. The audience members eyed her anxiously...

by precious_katuch14


Illusen vs. Jhudora
The Chia stepped out of Illusen's Glade and jumped back, startled. He dropped the potion out of shock, but he managed to catch it again before it hit the ground. In front of him, a purple and black gown ominously twirled...

by hwtennisgirl6


It’s Not What You Think: Turmaculus
We’ve all heard of the Turmaculus, the giant Turmac that spends his time lying face down in the middle of Meridell, but do any of us really know what goes on inside the mind of this mighty petpet?

by freakogamer91


The Annual Neopian Villains Convention
Yes, this convention sure is going to be a big one, all right. I mean, they’re giving away free piles of sludge!

by skittleiciousgirl


Jubjub Stew
No one ever said Jubjubs were smart...

by seth123456



by glowing_banana

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