Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 97,025,825 Issue: 191 | 21st day of Hunting, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"I think that my owner wants me to have math lessons, not cooking lessons."

Fighting Multiple Opponents

Taking down single baddies is easy, right? Especially when it’s one against four. But what if you’re facing four against four, four against three or something extreme like two against one, it’s going to be quite a challenge, especially if you’re a beginner and/or on the verge of panic right now. So now, this article will tackle some of the harder types of monster battles you may encounter in NQII...

Holidays That Didn't Make It

The Neopets Team (or TNT) always has a unique idea forming in their twisted minds for this interesting site. Most of these ideas have to do with upcoming pet days, but sometimes there’s a Neopian holiday. This very informative article will (hopefully) inform you of the Neopian holidays that didn’t make it to the New Features page...

Fuzzles of Doom

You probably played it once or twice before, earning around 30 points a level, dying at level 3 or 4, right? Well, this will help a lot! You will earn around 90 points per level, more in those high levels. If you play this 3 times a day when mastered, you can earn 3000 NP per day! It makes it easier to earn NP and to get the trophy...

Other Stories
"In Living Color" by auntfalcor
What Sunny did remember were the cages that surrounded the inhabitants and kept them imprisoned. They were metal, just like him...

"The Power in a Name" by imogenweasley
This Eyrie was no common Eyrie. He had no name. He had been raised by a group of earth faeries from the day he was born...

"Skies over Meridell" by extreme_fj0rd
The papers were covered with strange diagrams that probably would have made no sense to anyone but the two Kyrii siblings...

Not For The Weak

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Neopian Battledome
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Great stories!


A Wizards Beginning: Part Four
The smell of food in front of him woke Ramek up slightly and he got to work with his hands, plowing the scrambled eggs into his mouth and savoring the juicy and tender bacon. "How did you make this?"

by sirussblack


Mastering Bilge Dice
Bilge Dice has to be one of the finest games there is to choose from. Once you master it, you can effortlessly earn up to 5K each day from this game alone...

by sh0rty4lyf


Revenge of the Flowpers!
No Flowper day, eh?

by soggy_cardboard


Upon the Walls is a Powerful Rage: Part Three
For some reason, the water failed to seep through the crack under the door. Soon enough, the water level had reached Ginger knees...

by shadih_temporary


The Power in a Name
This Eyrie was no common Eyrie. He had no name. He had been raised by a group of earth faeries from the day he was born...

by imogenweasley

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