White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 97,025,825 Issue: 191 | 21st day of Hunting, Y7
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New Series

A Chaotic Vacation: Part One

My prankster's intuition was telling me something was up. Or maybe there was just something in the air. Whatever it was, the feeling subsided some as twilight fell...

by acexofxspades
The Golden Guitar of Silver Strings: Part One

Tabatha crept across the crisped floor and winced as she stepped on a burned piece of wood. She gently pulled the chip of wood from her fragile paw and found a tiny piece of paper stuck to the back...

by socks563
A Shadow in the Light: Knowledge and Remembrance - Part One

He dared a glance up to see a monstrous Shadow Krawk, and, frightened, he stood and tore from the undergrowth, the words knitted into the Krawk's cloak searing in his mind. 'Daene Magus'.

by rabbitofkittyhawk
Chaos In Faerieland: Part One

Queen Fyora scruntized the messenger faerie before her. She did not recognize this faerie at all, and she knew every faerie in Faerieland! She became suspicious, but nodded all the same.

by candied_sweet_tooth
A Day of Infamy: Part One

"I don't want a sister from the pound!" Samantha yelled angrily at her owner. "The pets from the pound are all scraggly and raggedy and depressed and stuff! I'd rather use the CAP Machine!"

by shadih_temporary
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Fighting Multiple Opponents

Taking down single baddies is easy, right? Especially when it’s one against four. But what if you’re facing four against four, four against three or something extreme like two against one, it’s going to be quite a challenge, especially if you’re a beginner and/or on the verge of panic right now. So now, this article will tackle some of the harder types of monster battles you may encounter in NQII...

Other Stories


The Neopian Thief
A thought suddenly came to her. Stealing was so easy. She was a fast runner, and nobody would ever suspect her. So what was stopping her?

by getto_agent


The Power in a Name
This Eyrie was no common Eyrie. He had no name. He had been raised by a group of earth faeries from the day he was born...

by imogenweasley


Neopian Acronyms: A Basic Guide
We've all experienced it, anyone who is new to Neopets is bound to have trouble understanding all the acronyms that are carelessly thrown around by more experienced users...

by xtrat


Unfortunately, 100 More Stupid, Cheesy, Useless, Rejected Neopian Times Titles
These titles should never be used with the fear of getting rejected by the almighty Snowflake. Please don’t try this at home, kids!

Also by blubblub317

by sirussblack


Meridell - Excuses...
If you don't know what it means, why did you use it in a sentence?

by void_walker


Or You'll Walk the Plank...
So...THAT'S what its for...

by goldenchaos

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