Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 97,025,825 Issue: 191 | 21st day of Hunting, Y7
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This week we want to do something very special with the editorial. As some of you may know, E3 has been going on for the past few days. Amongst some of the games previewed there were the Darkest Faerie and Petpet Adventures.

We took lots of photos of the games, designers and people playing the games and here is a sneak preview. Click on a picture to see a bigger version.


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Great stories!


Island Babe and Friends: A Cure for Bloaty Feet
How can I ever afford the cure?

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A Shadow in the Light: Knowledge and Remembrance - Part One
He dared a glance up to see a monstrous Shadow Krawk, and, frightened, he stood and tore from the undergrowth, the words knitted into the Krawk's cloak searing in his mind. 'Daene Magus'.

by rabbitofkittyhawk


Wishful Thinking
Was anyone looking for you?

by barbcat00


Unpredictable Love
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A Wizards Beginning: Part Four
The smell of food in front of him woke Ramek up slightly and he got to work with his hands, plowing the scrambled eggs into his mouth and savoring the juicy and tender bacon. "How did you make this?"

by sirussblack

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