A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 90,555,864 Issue: 166 | 12th day of Storing, Y6
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Yes, it really is great fortune to drop rocks on Dr. Sloth’s head!

Are They Safe?

I was playing the game Trouble at the National Neopian, when it occurred to me, who is keeping all those nasty thieves and villains out when we aren’t playing? Or for that matter, who are the cashiers who are accepting my hard-earned Neopoints? Are they letting some of my NP’s get snatched by those dastardly desperadoes?...

Worst Case Scenario

As you all well know, avatars are the biggest craze since... sliced bread. Being an avatar collector myself, I have gone through some really bad/funny experiences while trying to obtain them. My friend pencil_ and I thought we'd share the things that can, have and will happen while trying to be an avatar collector...

Faerie of Books

You've all heard of Jhudora, Fyora, and Illusen, but have you ever wondered about the poor faerie who works at the bookshop? Possibly one of the most unknown faeries known to all of Neopia is probably the lonely library faerie. This faerie has last been seen working at the Faerie Bookshop and helping Faerieland hand out with their daily crossword puzzles...

Other Stories
"A Shadow and a Mist" by wonderousfool
"Wow, Shadow, you really outdid yourself this time. We'll make a fortune out of this!" GreyWeaver's constant response every time Shadow came back...

"Fear the Faerie" by nightphantom20
You may think they are powerful forces of good. And you would be right. Well, mostly right, anyway. There's one faerie out there that isn't the picture of perfection...

"The Outcasts" by lemmykoopa300
There Recess. The outcasts sat under the playground talking about life. It was cold, and Rain shivered from the cold. Rain didn't have a jacket...

Mr. Fix It

This week's issue is brought to you by: Donny's Toy Repair Shop
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Great stories!


Totodum and Turtumdee : Gruslen Troubles
You don't look so good...

by huggsy_666


Wrawk the Merciless: Part One
"Now I can actually get back to plotting my evil schemes!"

by simsman24000


50 Ways to Exploit the Power of Asparagus
You never really know what to do with it. Of course, now, by a recent discovery, we found that we can make dung pancakes. So that just leaves asparagus. What could we really do with them?

by magickgeniegirl


I Promise
"Then you'll come to hear me play it at the festival, then?" Miranda grew hopeful for a moment. "You promised me you'd come.

by playmobil_is_my_life


Firejewel: Part Five
"We need explanations," began Aly. "First of all, Dayne, how did you free yourself from the ropes? Can you remember?"

by sara_mossflower

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