Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 90,555,864 Issue: 166 | 12th day of Storing, Y6
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Things That NeoQuest 2 Characters Would NEVER Say

Rohane's mother: Go Away! When you left home, you left! Don’t come back for free rest!

by moonlight717
Some Rooblah with Gooblah

“I just wanted to say I was very pleased with your report on Blurfs, and will like you to take on a new challenge. I need some Rooblah from Gooblah. Can you get me some?” the Quiggle asked.

by monarchistknight
Collecting Avatars: A Worst Case Scenario

As you all well know, avatars are the biggest craze since... sliced bread. Being an avatar collector myself, I have gone through some really bad/funny experiences while trying to obtain them.

by xxxlilravenxxx
The Faerie of Books and Such

You've all heard of Jhudora, Fyora, and Illusen, but have you ever wondered about the poor faerie who works at the bookshop?

by animephreak15
Grey Day

In the eyes of a Grey pet, everything is miserable. Nothings happy, everything's drab. You might even say being Grey isn't worth it, or is it?

by platinumprincess99
10 Things You Thought You Would Never Eat

What you say? You never eat inedible items before? You don’t know what you’re missing out on! You may think that eating them would be pretty nasty, but in fact they DO have a nice taste to them.

by mysticarticuno
50 Ways To "Finish" A Boring Book

Believe me, these techniques will be very simple once you’ve practiced on a few books!

by gingie8
All About Levels

Are they worth it? Should you try to get them for your pet? What is the best way to get them? I'm here to help!

by pianoru
50 Ways to Exploit the Power of Asparagus

You never really know what to do with it. Of course, now, by a recent discovery, we found that we can make dung pancakes. So that just leaves asparagus. What could we really do with them?

by magickgeniegirl
A Battledomer's Guide to Common Courtesy

Outlined in the following article are tips and guidelines to keep the peace among Battledomers when out in public and how all pets should act.

by horsegirl_68
Advanced NeoQuest II Part 2: The Race Against Time

As a general guide, Chapters 2 and 4 are relatively shorter which you should power through quickly. The battle gets tougher, and the HP of your enemies gets higher the further you go into the game, which will take up more time.

by aphromeda
An Orbital Tour Of Neopia: Don't Hold Your Breath

A normal reaction would be something like ‘WooHoo!’ But it got me thinking that if the Virtupets/Kreludor tour is generating so much money for Sloth, then maybe he was using it for sinister purposes..

by pk_fire14
The Neopets TCG: Best of the Base Set

This article is written with the assumption that you know the basics of playing the Neopets TCG. Hopefully after reading this, it will give you an idea of which cards are best for you and your deck.

by slickninja
Pet Depression

Pet depression is actually a profound psychological problem encountered by many pets. Here, the word “depression” is used liberally to describe unhappiness.

by scarletrhapsody
How to be a Respected & Productive Guild Member

Joining a guild is one of the easiest things to do in Neopia. Being a productive, respected member is something else entirely.

by tashni
How Safe Are Our Neopoints?

I was playing the game Trouble at the National Neopian, when it occurred to me, who is keeping all those nasty thieves and villains out when we aren’t playing?

by elmashtree
It's in the Stars

Hiding this knowledge within me is a burden I wish not to have anymore, so after thousand of years I have descended from my highest cloud to inform the people and Neopets of Neopia of their fate.

by basantii
Wacky Island Mystic Fortunes: Part One

You will have evil fortune at the Wishing Well.

by gkskis
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"The Outcasts" by lemmykoopa300
There Recess. The outcasts sat under the playground talking about life. It was cold, and Rain shivered from the cold. Rain didn't have a jacket...

Other Stories


I shall first say that I'm going to miss the many others who will miss you as well. Must you leave? Must you depart for the unknown?

by christinetran


Fear the Faerie
You may think they are powerful forces of good. And you would be right. Well, mostly right, anyway. There's one faerie out there that isn't the picture of perfection: Jhudora.

by nightphantom20


Darkness Gathering: Part Three
"Yes, now. We can't delay. It has been months since I last saw Blase. Who knows where he could be. It might take ages to find him!"

by harmony1473


Rage Alone II: Solitary Retribution - Part Three
A pile of boulders, both big and small, spread out over the side of the mountain. He remembered it being smooth mountains, but he never did know how large of an explosion Fethva made. He was surprised he survived it if it did all of this.

by nomad2


Hide and Seek
Should never be played with invisible pets...

by xprecious


Sleeping On It

by heron10

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