teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 90,555,864 Issue: 166 | 12th day of Storing, Y6
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Short Stories

A Student of Spirit

There have always been the lucky few who, devoting their lives to the art of combat taught by the Techo Master, are allowed to live at those hallowed halls, gaining insight and skill for free -- or so they think. Rather than paying in codestones, they pay in labor.

by inyuchan

I shall first say that I'm going to miss you...like the many others who will miss you as well. Must you leave? Must you depart for the unknown?

by christinetran
Fear the Faerie

You may think they are powerful forces of good. And you would be right. Well, mostly right, anyway. There's one faerie out there that isn't the picture of perfection: Jhudora.

by nightphantom20
I Promise

"Then you'll come to hear me play it at the festival, then?" Miranda grew hopeful for a moment. "You promised me you'd come.

by playmobil_is_my_life
The True Face of a Faerie: Soup Faerie

A few shop owners scrutinize the dusty, populous streets. They can tell that the roads are so crammed because the pets and their owners are in a line. Most know that this line is not just any line - it is the line to the Soup Kitchen.

by draconis_minoris
The Outcasts

There wasn't any tables left to sit at, and I decided to give the outcast table a shot.

by lemmykoopa300
Five Lottery Tickets

"Why do we always do this?" Otur asked. She had heard the story at least a hundred times, but it always made her owner happy to tell it.

by shadowcristal
A Shadow and a Mist

"Wow, Shadow, you really outdid yourself this time. We'll make a fortune out of this!" GreyWeaver's constant response every time Shadow came back.

by wonderousfool
The Grey Curse

I was blessed with true happiness... and now it's been taken away...

by heartcandyz
Love You Like a Sister III: Letting Go

The dream that I had had seemed so realistic… almost like someone, or something, had planted it in my mind for me to see.

by tennisblondie16
Search the Neopian Times


Are They Safe?

I was playing the game Trouble at the National Neopian, when it occurred to me, who is keeping all those nasty thieves and villains out when we aren’t playing? Or for that matter, who are the cashiers who are accepting my hard-earned Neopoints? Are they letting some of my NP’s get snatched by those dastardly desperadoes?...

Other Stories


50 Ways To "Finish" A Boring Book
Believe me, these techniques will be very simple once you’ve practiced on a few books!

by gingie8


The Faerie of Books and Such
You've all heard of Jhudora, Fyora, and Illusen, but have you ever wondered about the poor faerie who works at the bookshop?

by animephreak15


Rage Alone II: Solitary Retribution - Part Three
A pile of boulders, both big and small, spread out over the side of the mountain. He remembered it being smooth mountains, but he never did know how large of an explosion Fethva made. He was surprised he survived it if it did all of this.

by nomad2


Savak: The Medallion - Part Three
"This?" Savak asked. "It…it was Murgoh's. He was my pack's leader."

by zephandolf


Current Affairs
Wow, she can't take her eyes off me...

by blinkbaby1822


Once Upon A Comic Strip
Been playing a certain Whack-a-Staff-Member game too much, have we?

by tiddle_girl

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