Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 197,445,760 Issue: 981 | 21st day of Eating, Y25
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Short Stories

Life on a Foreign Planet

After countless nights yearning to visit Neopia, Hannu acquired the opportunity to explore this mysterious world.

by greencheese79
The Neverending Grey Day

"It was not a dark and stormy night..."

by iwonder
Quadrille for the Grey

"'Mother', Aubadie said, racing in as fast as her little Gelert feet could carry her..."

by barnowl42
A tale of two brothers

"Once upon a time, many decades ago, there was an orphanage in the outskirts of Brightvale..."

by nick_and_nickette
A Glimpse of Shinroobi's Journal

"In the massive world of Neopia, nobody can predict what will happen..."

by pixie_tea
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"Quadrille for the Grey" by barnowl42
“Mother,” Aubadie said, racing in as fast as her little Gelert feet could carry her. “MotherMotherMotherMother!” “What is it, little one?” Aubadie’s mother laid the spoon she was using to stir their stew back in the pot and turned to nuzzle her daughter. “What has you so upset?” “I was with Bornar in the Bazaar earlier,” she said, “and I was singing and he was dancing and playing the trumpet. And it was so much fun! But then we took a break and he told something just, just, just awful.” “Tell me, sweetling,” said Aubadie’s mother, picking up her spoon again to give the stew another stir as she listened. Aubadie summoned a deep breath and then let it all out in a rush. “He said that there was a beautiful faerie who was kind and helpful and, and, and nice, and then something happened and a really, really bad faerie captured her and took away her wings and now she doesn’t have magic and she’s sad all the time!” Aubadie’s long ears drooped. Aubadie’s mother paused, and then she put the spoon down again and turned the fire to low under the stew pot. “But,” Aubadie said, ears perking again. “That can’t be right. Right? Bornar was making things up. Like—like scary stories! Because Queen Fyora would never let that happen! She’d fix it! Because it’s not fair and it’s not right!” Aubadie’s mother dropped her head briefly, and then she squared her shoulders. “Come sit with me, sweetling, and let’s talk a little,” she said. *** Aubadie would come to remember that day as the day that she learned that things were sometimes neither fair nor right. That sometimes, bad things happened and there was no easy way to fix them. When she was older, as she became a grown Gelert, she would remember sobbing into her mother’s fur over the plight of a faerie she had never met...

Other Stories


Top Ten Grey Clothes That Are Not Drab!
"With Grey Day fast approaching pets all over Neopia are looking to try on new styles to be in on the latest fashion trend."

by surging


Festival of Neggs Dessert Recipes
"It’s time for the Festival of Neggs! This year, Kari the Negg Faerie has decided to share 3 of her top-secret Negg recipes with the Neopian Times..."

by chrizzlymurphy


The Missing Mask
"While Toxi considered who to speak with first, her bag began to jostle around, and Molly the Mutant Meepit popped her head out..." Collab with somerebelkid

by 77thbigby


A Corsair Among the Stars
"For nearly as long as she could remember being alive, Korzara had yearned for freedom..."

by zennistrad


Neopets Pixel Cross Puzzle #10
Can you solve this puzzle?

by krabby_55


Neopian Groceries
Let's get some groceries!

by prulletje1852

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