Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 197,445,760 Issue: 981 | 21st day of Eating, Y25
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New Series

A Corsair Among the Stars

"For nearly as long as she could remember being alive, Korzara had yearned for freedom..."

by zennistrad
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"Life on a Foreign Planet" by greencheese79
Hannu spent countless nights staring at the blue planet from his bedroom window, wondering what life would be like on Neopia. Residing on Kreludor, the Orange Grundo seldom found a chance to leave his home planet. Occasionally he would travel with his mother to the Space Station to play some Gormball or other games while she did her shopping. It was at the Space Station where his fondness for the planet grew with its beautiful blues, greens and whites. Hannu found the view much nicer and it was possible to make out some of the many settlements. On Kreludor you were lucky to see Faerieland before its fall. Many tourists visited the old rock Hannu lived on and he failed to see why. It was virtually void of life with the only true lifeforms, other than Grundos, being sentient rocks. There was not much to do either. He wondered how Kreludor was promoted down on Neopia: ‘Come take a tour at the forbidden-to-enter mine, buy a book and an overpriced Neocola, then eat at the Kreludan café with all of the food you can stomach.’ Food that many Grundos would easily pass up on. Home-cooked food was much better. Yet they came anyway, sometimes for more than a day, with smiles on their faces and excitement in their eyes. If they were that excited about visiting a little rock in space with very little to offer, how exciting must it be to visit their planet which contained a large variety of life and things to do. These were the thoughts going through Hannu’s head during his unplanned flight to Neopia. He had some regrets about boarding the shuttle, but the allure of visiting Neopia was too much...

Other Stories


Quadrille for the Grey
"'Mother', Aubadie said, racing in as fast as her little Gelert feet could carry her..."

by barnowl42


The Neverending Grey Day
"It was not a dark and stormy night..."

by iwonder


Festival of Neggs Dessert Recipes
"It’s time for the Festival of Neggs! This year, Kari the Negg Faerie has decided to share 3 of her top-secret Negg recipes with the Neopian Times..."

by chrizzlymurphy


Buzzerfeed: Top 5 Best and Worst Jobs in Neopia
"With the end of Flash, many Neopians have been turning to other sources of revenue to earn Neopoints, such as becoming professional Food Club betters or stock market investors." Collab with scrmnow

by wizzy13_7


Faellie Tales 02: A Rainy, Grey Day
Some fun in the rain! And mud.

by coco6468


A grey day is a good day!
Guide the magical Grey Faerie Doll to the Grey Faerie!

by safemoon

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