The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 197,560,623 Issue: 989 | 11th day of Hiding, Y25
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Bargain with a Dark Faerie

Part 1: The Knight

by puzzlepets
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"Beyond the Hole" by surging
Flora was a quiet little Symol who lived in a quiet hole in a quiet part of Meridell. There were many Symols who lived deep within the hole, in an expansive city of its own. Many years ago on the eighth day of Hunting, many Symols decided to move to the newly discovered Meridell. This was long before Flora was born. She did not know much about the outside, or why her family ended up here, but she was content. It was quiet, it was peaceful, it was easy. Every Symol in the hole had a duty for the colony; some built and maintained shelter, some gathered food from above, some babysat the young ones, and some like Flora were chefs. For many, including Flora, it was an important duty to be part of the greater good of their colony. There was no stress like the outside world. She heard stories from the gatherers and she had no interest in going above. It seemed loud, busy, and stressful. One morning Flora was gathering up the supplies to start the cooking at her station. Today she was in charge of desserts. Desserts were not her strongest task, but it did feel good to rotate on occasion. Plus, desserts were a more solitary event and she liked to keep to herself. Flora carefully lined up everything so she could see what she was working with. “Hmm…” she thought to herself. “I do not have enough sugar for this.” She looked around the kitchen. She glanced at the other chefs. “Sugar?” She asked no one in particular.

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