White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 197,560,623 Issue: 989 | 11th day of Hiding, Y25
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Continued Series

Mae's Mysteries: The Case of the Missing Necklace

"It was warm and sunny the next day. Mae and Kacia sat together in the grass atop the hill behind Mae's home; Mae watched as Obi splashed happily in the bubbling stream..."

by satintiger
Return to White River

"Mornings in White River, Meridell were usually quiet. The sun rose over the sea, illuminating the water, and bathing the streets of the town in a dusky red..."

by hzoo_26
The Primordial Saga: A Faerie's Woe

"Brynn was left to hoist the Faerie up as the Ixi turned on her heel without wasting another second. Thankfully, Illuma was small and light, but the journey back..." Collab with knightwolfalex

by rurirawr
The Daily Life of a Grey Kacheek

"The thing about travelling is that it gives you plenty of time to think deep thoughts. With new scenery rushing past the window and not much to do but wait..."

by chesschocolate
Search the Neopian Times


"Sharon and the Great Dungeon Escape" by baytotheay
Sharon always wanted a simple life, and now she had it. The Coffee Cave on Roo Island was an utter success, packed daily with tourists in the morning rush hour and creatives in the afternoons. She loved having the poets and writers around, eyes gleaming with a chance of winning the next spotlight contest or competition. Sharon even kept the Coffee Cave open late at night for the high rollers who needed a pick-me-up to fuel their nighttime gambling at Tournament Hall. If only her family could see her success now, could see her normal, ordinary life, far away from the mess she left behind in Meridell. As the owner and the barista, Sharon loved meeting her customers and learning their tastes. She often played a game with herself to see if she could guess the impending order, if Neopets really could be judged by their paint colours. Her guesses were most often right with Rukis and Meercas but overall she was proud of how well she could read their faces. Sharon knew she owed this leftover skill to her undercover card-playing days, but she’d never admit it to anyone. Not that anyone on Roo Island would even know the right questions to ask. One Tuesday morning - in between the morning and lunch rushes - Sharon was making an Electric Coffee for a stressed-out-looking Lenny when the shop bell rang. Another customer! How grand, Sharon thought. Her Shoyru wings stretched as she steamed the milk for the coffee.

Other Stories


A Tale of Two Shopkeepers
"Linda, the Elephante who ran the Neopian Pharmacy, called out, 'Well, alright, but if I get busy I won't be able to run both shops..'"Collab with travel74147

by dancerchickemily


Sharon and the Great Dungeon Escape
"Sharon always wanted a simple life, and now she had it. The Coffee Cave on Roo Island was an utter success, packed daily with tourists in the morning rush hour and creatives in the afternoons..."

by baytotheay


Dr. Sloth’s Etiquette Guide to the NeoBoards
I had plans, you know. How can you ask me to throw together a guide on such short notice?

by iwonder


A Trip to the Kadoatery
At the Kadoatery in Neopia Central, you have the opportunity to feed Kadaoties that are waiting to be adopted.

by jenna6570976


The Three: Part 3 - Greed: Finale
In the end.. The Three were banished! Collab with dariganey

by shenkuun


Skeith Services: At the Neolodge
"Mother booked us a stay at..."Collab with brucas188 & rosemmary

by xoxcharm

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