Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 197,778,271 Issue: 1002 | 23rd day of Awakening, Y26
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New Series

Nuria and the Sands of Time

The campfire has been burning all day despite the sweltering heat because she said the fire makes it feel more like the holidays.

by neoghia
A Hero's Journey: Squire

The young Blue Cybunny ran as fast as his legs could carry him through the woods, thorns and branches ripping at his clothes and fur as he did so. Thumbnail by twillieblossom

by precious_katuch14
Salem of the Sway

“No, this won’t work. This is even worse! No, no! It’s all wrong!" Professor Lambert crumpled up the piece of paper on his desk before tossing it behind him and barely missing the trash bin.

by skittleskit09
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"When Darkness Calls" by sir_serene
“Great evils exist in this world. A multitudinal amount of them, in fact. Among them are many of the names that have been etched into the timeline of Neopian history. Names such as Dr. Frank Sloth, Lord Kass, Captain Scarblade, Galem, Xandra, Jerdana, and many more- all of whom are remembered for their innumerable wicked deeds. Deeds that left irreversible wounds upon our world. Deeds that have shaped our very lives. These names have all been compiled together into a book, so that we might never forget the darkness that has persisted through our lifetimes. This book is known as the Gallery of Evil. “The Gallery of Evil isn’t limited to only these great evils. Even the names of, what some might consider, lesser evils have found their way into said hallowed text. Names of beings who continue to wreak havoc upon the denizens of Neopia on a daily basis. Those who the Defenders of Neopia combat in order to maintain peace and order. Names such as Meuka and the lowly Pant Devil. “However, unbeknownst to most Neopians the Gallery of Evil is woefully incomplete. Criminally incomplete even. There are still unspeakable, ancient horrors lingering in the shadows around the world, waiting to be discovered. Horrors that could very well set in motion a string of events that lead to a cataclysmic apocalypse scenario. Those aren’t the evils I am...

Other Stories


Daring Dailies
Two unlikely friends embark on a quest to do all the best dailies, no matter the cost!

by neopartia


How Aphelium Made Friends
In a cosy corner of The Park District in Altador, there lived a timid little Faerie Grundo named Aphelium.

by vendince


Neopia's Most Iconic Petpets
Miss Prickles here switching things up just a little bit! Instead of my usual Best and Worst Dressed list, for this edition of the Neopian Times, I am focusing on the best accessory of all: Petpets.

by spukl1


A Ranking of the Best Neopies Prizes
The twelfth annual Neopies are upon us and it’s time for us to vote for the best of everything from the previous year throughout Neopia. Collab with Peskyyy

by tamimarieb


Subverting egg-spectations
This egg won't crack.

by charlubby


DoTS and the Phantom of Neopian Times #01
"Who when where what and why?" Says a Weewoo

by soragin

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