Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 197,832,142 Issue: 1007 | 3rd day of Hunting, Y26
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Continued Series

A Hero's Journey: Squire

"'He said he wasn't good enought to be my squire,' said Rohane, burying his face into..."

by precious_katuch14
Salem of the Sway

I followed closely behind Bee as she led me through the mansion. Both of our hoods were pulled up to shroud our faces in darkness and mystery. With the presence of..."

by skittleskit09
The Timeless Tale

"Two years. It had been two whole years since Rhea's banishment from the Citadel..."

by chlo26
Ashes of the Alabriss

"Brynn spent the next hour talking with Kali; teaching her how to stretch Storm’s legs, telling her what a good listener he was, how he would get excited on the Day of Giving because..."

by salem_822
Elizia and the Krawk Island Boat Race

"The sun was bright in the sky the next morning, the sands warm beneath Elizia’s feet. A trickle of sweat ran down her face..."

by platinum_marauder
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A Foodie’s Guide to Tyrannia

Food is a great way to immerse yourself in other cultures, and what location has as much fascinating cultural history as Tyrannia? Once torn by war it is now a vibrant thriving tourist destination for fun in the sun, shopping, museums, the famous concert hall, games, and of course fine dining. Now to be fair Tyrannian food can be off putting at first. Most of their names do not always sound the most appealing and it certainly is not always as pretty looking as what they serve over at Kelp. But I encourage you to expand your horizons and palate. These foods have endured through many generations and are worth the respect and appreciation. I am here to tell you if you haven’t tried Tyrannian food you are really missing out. I am going to discuss my top ten favourite Tyrannian food items and hope I can inspire you to try some as well. A lot of what is listed you can also make yourself at home if you are unable to travel to Tyrannia so it’s easy to bring a little bit of Tyrannia to you! An omelette of any kind Most Neopians think of Tyrannia’s free omelette when they think of Tyrannian foods. And why wouldn’t they? Omelettes are delicious and versatile. They come in veggie lovers, meat lovers, even candy lovers, and more. You can really add anything you want to your omelette, that is the beauty of an omelette. There is no wrong way to make one so I hope you have fun experimenting in your orders and your cooking creations. The best part is, if you are not that hungry they can be shared in thirds easily (just be sure whoever you’re sharing it with has similar tastes). My personal favourite is Hot Tyrannian Pepper Omelette — mmm, spicy. Nerkin Leg These delicious legs come with the bone for maximum flavour and portability. Just grab onto the bottom of the bone and chomp away at the juicy Nerkin. These tender delights are perfect on their own as a snack or as the centerpiece of your meal. You can put any sort of sauce you would like on it and add additional spices.

Other Stories


Uriela and the Chain
On a warm spring night in Neopia Central, the faintest hint of a breeze traveled through the streets, creeping in through an open window that it found along the way.

by turbomun


A Spring Picnic
With a crisp breeze in the air and a dapple of sunlight bursting through the branches arching over the small but homely hut, just within the boundary of the Haunted Woods, Sophie had made a decision.

by betti666


Hubert’s Hot Dogs: Best and Worst
Hello, my fellow Neopians! This is Charles the Chocolate Chia, Neopia’s top food critic here on the scene to give you quite the scoop.

by spukl1


A Foodie’s Guide to Tyrannia
Food is a great way to immerse yourself in other cultures, and what location has as much fascinating cultural history as Tyrannia? Collab with surging

by clorox


The Best Security
So that's what that style is for...

by raptorsama


Purrposterous 2
The Pant Devil's alter ego...

by sonderponder

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