A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 194,163,747 Issue: 743 | 5th day of Hiding, Y18
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Paint Brush Problem #1483

Fire pets make terrible gardeners.

Also by waning.

by sophieauditore

Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 2

Nothing's wrong, and nothing's in my closet. So stay out.

by twillieblossom
Dinner with the Scarlets: Fifty Gold Quills

I’ve hidden 50 Gold Quills in this comic. Can you find them all?

by june_scarlet

It's rumored that neopets that go to Mystery Island never return!!

by chakpool
I Wish My Neopets Were Real

I'm the best owner ever?!

by starsbc
Rainy Weather

Good thing I always have my umbrella

by guuvii
Babysitting for the first time

Things are not as easy as they seem

by mitzplick
Neopia at it's Best

Neopets are a lot like walls...

by pumpkin_700
Sunny Side Up: Fashion

Everyone's a critic.

by amarettoball
Aisha Problems - Battle

Cookiez?! COOKIEZ?! GET UP!

by lpshannah_908
Head in the Clouds: Feeling Sketchy

Might wanna keep your mouth shut next time...

by yoshisislandbandit
NeoPaper: Pizza Delivery

Such an amazingly efficient delivery system!

by mbredboy31
Open Mic Night

I heard a rumour...

Also by kevinthinksyourcute

by whssoftball11

More Neoquest Logic

That's not how this game works...

Also by sanamm and afsheen_27

by admonisher

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"There Is Something In My Closet And It Is Roaring!" by applefaerie99
It was an early evening in Shenkuu. My friends, Jeulienna the Yellow Lenny and Manigolaia the Cloud Ruki and I, Zannidda, a Starry Xweetok, had just enjoyed a mouth-watering dinner together of Pirate Lupe pasta with Cheesy Onion sticks. The discussion on the table was about our favorite games from the Daily Dare, mine being Top Chip, Manigolaia's was Ice Cream Machine and Jeulienna's favorite was Carnival of Terror, loving the prizes we had earned from the Dare. We then started taking guesses on the upcoming Altador Cup. All of us had different teams we were supporting and were challenging each other on who would make it to the All-Star level first. Which team would become victorious was our main discussion, especially because I was from Shenkuu and my friends were from Terror Mountain, and we would cling to our homelands. After the big talk had its curfew, I stood up and went back to the kitchen and pulled out three giant, berries and sprinkles covered sundaes for dessert. We finished them in a rush until the last bite of each. If we sat any longer we would have fallen asleep at the table, so we decided we needed a brisk walk around the neighborhood before cleaning up the mess our friendly hang out had made in the dining room.

Other Stories


The Song of the Skeith
The beast stalking the herds of Tyrannia is not all that it seems...

by fleurdust


There Is Something In My Closet And It Is Roaring!
It was an early evening in Shenkuu. My friends, Jeulienna the Yellow Lenny and Manigolaia the Cloud Ruki and I, Zannidda, a Starry Xweetok, had just enjoyed a mouth-watering dinner together of Pirate Lupe pasta with Cheesy Onion sticks. The discussion on the table was about our favorite games from the Daily Dare

Also by alienigenosidad

by applefaerie99


Erin's Extreme Avatar Guide: Hungry Skeith
A lot of folks consider Hungry Skeith to be an average-to-difficult game avatar. Admittedly, this was in my top five of game avatars I struggled with the most. After playing for hours and hours, I developed a few strategies that I hope will help others on their path to avatar glory.

by krazypinkgurl


3 Recent Weapons that Jumpstarted my Faith in TNT
It had been a while since the BD Chat had something to buzz about. The excitement of the New BD had long worn off. The Smuggler’s Cove had remained empty for years. Fyora hadn’t added anything to her tower in a while. After 15 years of barely venturing outside the BD Chat, it was time to for me to see what else this site had to offer. Then along came a volleyball.

by dfgh5067


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Amnesiacs: Part Two
I looked around us, then at the three Neopets. I still couldn't figure out who they were or where we were. No matter how hard I tried, I didn't remember anything presented to me.

by chasing_stars44


The Spirit of Black Keep: Part One
The reason he’d gotten himself into this, ArPharazonTheGolden decided, was because he could never say “no” to anything. The Faerie Draik perched on the edge of the bed in his cabin in a Shenkuuvian sky-ship, staring at the letter in his claws, not really seeing the words so much as coming to the realisation that he was hopelessly wishy-washy.

by cosmicfire918

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