Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 194,163,747 Issue: 743 | 5th day of Hiding, Y18
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Continued Series

Clouds Over Cogham: Part Eleven

If the heartache of loss could be summarised in sound, it would be the din that fills Cogham as the villagers are dragged to the site of their inevitable demise. The fires burn bright, and the hatred burns brighter, and the world is aglow in a sickly gold, blanketed by a warmth that feels strangely like frostbite.

by theschizophrenicpunk
Desert Requiem: Part Eight

Defying his physician's instructions to remain in bed, Jazan summoned an emergency council as soon as he was alerted to the disappearances. Ambassador Farisem did not attend the meeting, citing indisposition.

by kalnya
Orlitz and the Search for the Emerald Crown: Part Five

To Orlitz’s surprise, Emilia was staying in a room at the lodge, not far from her own. The Cybunny had tailed the Aisha from the restaurant, taking care not to be spotted by the thief.

by josephinefarine
Defender Scarlet Shadow in the Gem of Rundeth: Part Three

Sopherie had given up hope that there would be a miracle. Baltove had informed her that he was almost done with the calibrations. She knew has soon as he was done, her life would most certainly end.

by orisasda
Janet and Jane: The Case of the Amnesiacs: Part Two

I looked around us, then at the three Neopets. I still couldn't figure out who they were or where we were. No matter how hard I tried, I didn't remember anything presented to me.

by chasing_stars44
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"The Spirit of Black Keep" by cosmicfire918
The reason he’d gotten himself into this, ArPharazonTheGolden decided, was because he could never say “no” to anything. The Faerie Draik perched on the edge of the bed in his cabin in a Shenkuuvian sky-ship, staring at the letter in his claws, not really seeing the words so much as coming to the realisation that he was hopelessly wishy-washy. He’d go along with anyone just to avoid a quarrel—and even then he’d end up petering out somewhere along the way, retreating to the safety of merely existing. Really, he just wanted to sit and read all day. No adventures for him. The world was so much safer from the library of his family’s Neohome. With a sigh, Pharazon glanced out the porthole. It was late afternoon and the sinking sun was turning the clouds golden. A beautiful time of day, by anyone’s standards, but it also meant soon he would have to venture to the dining room on the upper decks for dinner. He scowled and tucked his knees to his chin. He hated travelling, and he hated travelling alone even more. But Celice had been too busy to come and pick him up from Altador— Pharazon looked back at the letter in his hand and wished the Weewoo that delivered it had been waylaid. But no, here it was and here he was because, in true wishy-washy fashion, he had heeded its demands. Laying back on the mattress, he read the paper for the umpteenth time.

Other Stories


The Song of the Skeith
The beast stalking the herds of Tyrannia is not all that it seems...

by fleurdust


There Is Something In My Closet And It Is Roaring!
It was an early evening in Shenkuu. My friends, Jeulienna the Yellow Lenny and Manigolaia the Cloud Ruki and I, Zannidda, a Starry Xweetok, had just enjoyed a mouth-watering dinner together of Pirate Lupe pasta with Cheesy Onion sticks. The discussion on the table was about our favorite games from the Daily Dare

Also by alienigenosidad

by applefaerie99


Erin's Extreme Avatar Guide: Hungry Skeith
A lot of folks consider Hungry Skeith to be an average-to-difficult game avatar. Admittedly, this was in my top five of game avatars I struggled with the most. After playing for hours and hours, I developed a few strategies that I hope will help others on their path to avatar glory.

by krazypinkgurl


Reasons To Downsize Your Pets!
I realized that my hope for future pets was being hampered by the fact that I already had 20 pets. I decided to give away 3 pets to random people on the Pound Neoboard, and reserved my 3 Royals for my closest Neofriends. That means I only own 14 pets right now, and I'm truly relieved!

by indulgences


Sunny Side Up: Fashion
Everyone's a critic.

by amarettoball


Paint Brush Problem #1483
Fire pets make terrible gardeners.

Also by waning.

by sophieauditore

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