Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 194,163,747 Issue: 743 | 5th day of Hiding, Y18
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Neopia at it's Best

by pumpkin_700

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Great stories!


Erin's Extreme Avatar Guide: Hungry Skeith
A lot of folks consider Hungry Skeith to be an average-to-difficult game avatar. Admittedly, this was in my top five of game avatars I struggled with the most. After playing for hours and hours, I developed a few strategies that I hope will help others on their path to avatar glory.

by krazypinkgurl


Paint Brush Problem #1483
Fire pets make terrible gardeners.

Also by waning.

by sophieauditore


Babysitting for the first time
Things are not as easy as they seem

by mitzplick


Reasons To Downsize Your Pets!
I realized that my hope for future pets was being hampered by the fact that I already had 20 pets. I decided to give away 3 pets to random people on the Pound Neoboard, and reserved my 3 Royals for my closest Neofriends. That means I only own 14 pets right now, and I'm truly relieved!

by indulgences

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