Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 192,103,792 Issue: 630 | 31st day of Sleeping, Y16
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Aisha Hair

by fuzzykit12

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Dressing the Part – Famous Neopians (Part Two)
The heroes and heroines of Neopia's plots and events have long been admired by Neopians. As such, it seems only fitting that pets from all corners of the globe would seek to emulate these famous Neopians in their customizations.

by katiecoo802


Say Hello to My Little Friend
"I want a Petpet, X. No matter where you are, you always have a best friend with you. She doesn't judge you and she loves you no matter what you do."

by 77thbigby


Getting The Right Guild
Thousands of guilds have been created in all areas of Neopia since the beginning of neo-time, with handfuls of new ones sprouting up each day.

by chunky12316


What Happened To Sophie's Hat: Part Two
Sophie had never enjoyed the Neopian Witches' Convention. She went out of a sense of obligation, and because it was always useful to know the other witches in Neopia, but the entire time, she was counting the hours until she could go home.

by rogue_roxness

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