Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 197,665,009 Issue: 996 | 17th day of Storing, Y25
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A Birthday Suprise!

by truebrony

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Great stories!


The Sleepers of Saint Garfir
“Twelve heroes of Altador…”

Miphie was staring in dismay into her empty closet.

by josephinefarine


Easy Cornflake Cookie Recipe
Something sweet to celebrate Neopets! Collab with retro_bombb

by prulletje1852


Celebrate Neopets 24th Birthday with these 24 Petpets
It’s Neopets’ 24th birthday and you might be heading to some parties through Neopia. Collab with 4everhardys1fan

by tamimarieb


The Box from 10,000 Years Ago
Join the journey of Teca, the valiant Fire Wocky knight from Meridell, alongside her blind Uni companion, Vyim. Together.

by chantili_doce

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