Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 196,084,698 Issue: 892 | 28th day of Awakening, Y22
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by linnipooh

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Avatar Goldmine
Congratulations! Meggily now has increased Level! Rysony rolled his eyes. How many more times in his life would he have to hear the Techo Master repeat this chant?

Edited by rabbits_forever and lil_red_raider

by wizzkid_


The Pant Devil Attacks
Crime doesn't pay

collab with sessduh

by kieselcamper


Legends and... Letters? (Part 03 - Dr. Sloth)
This time Dr. Sloth receives an interesting message...

In collaboration with _kathy_2004_

by _annefrank_


Which famous faerie matches your personality?
Have you ever wondered which of these famous Neopian faeries you’re most similar to? Well, wonder no longer!

by pizzanoodles2

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