A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 196,084,698 Issue: 892 | 28th day of Awakening, Y22
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New Series

Harker's Story

So. You want to know how this story began. Of course you do. I’d want to know too, if I were sitting on your side of the table.

by tanikagillam
Avatar Goldmine

Congratulations! Meggily now has increased Level! Rysony rolled his eyes. How many more times in his life would he have to hear the Techo Master repeat this chant?

Edited by rabbits_forever and lil_red_raider

by wizzkid_

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Which famous faerie matches your personality?

Each and every young Neopian looks up to faeries, being the magical, powerful, and mystical creatures that they are. In particular, there are many unique Neopian faeries who have very special roles. Have you ever wondered which of these famous Neopian faeries you’re most similar to? Well, wonder no longer! Take this quiz to find out. You could be the almighty Fyora, the queen of Faerieland; Jhudora, the malevolent (misunderstood?) dark faerie; the Soup Faerie, the most kind and generous faerie of all; Aethia, the strong warrior Battle Faerie; or the Tooth Faerie, a positive and upbeat lover of dental hygiene. Just go ahead and answer all the questions below, making sure to keep a running count of how many a, b, c, d, and e answers you select! When you reach the end of the quiz we will tell you which faerie represents you best.

Other Stories


Faerie Fables - The Soup Faerie
As time went on, the Neopets became less wary of the young girl that entered the forest.

collab with Tarons

by devotedly


Don't Judge a Book by its Cover
Are you sure about this, Cornelia?” Shara sighed, looking across at her sister as they walked down the dark, damp corridor.

by kiaxxl


The Unexpectedly Educational Features of Neopets
Would you ever have imagined that designing and decorating a virtual house in a game could introduce you to interior design?

by jaylahcat


Choosing the Right College for Your Neopet
A college education can provide your Neopet with major advantages in their future. But which college should they attend?

by alli_draggy


Royal Pain
Gonna need a lot of Itchy Scratchy Cream

by winner19955


Collaborative Confusion #1: This is "fine"
Neopia's hottest real estate market

In collaboration with Chao_of_the_chaos

by 1337_masta

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