The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 186,839,813 Issue: 511 | 9th day of Gathering, Y13
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So Says the Slorg!

by supercheezee

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Freedom Reader: Part Three
In front of over a hundred other fourth graders and five teachers? This was a disaster. It was bigger than a disaster...

by little_bunny_heart


Last Place: Part Two
"If anything, it's too late. Some pets get up at midnight on beauty contest mornings to groom and get an early jump on voting."

by peterpuffin1


Kougra Stories- Looking for a job 6/9
Yoshiko and Sorami are looking for a job; will they get one?

by tachiki


My 10 Favorite Draik Colors
There are 50 colors out there available for a Draik. And here are my personal Top 10.

by 1engel

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