Meow Circulation: 186,839,813 Issue: 511 | 9th day of Gathering, Y13
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New Series

Just One Wish: Part One

If you had one wish... just one wish... what would you wish for?

by bumble_bee64
Better than Scones: Return of the Black Pawkeet - Part One

Rose and Alexa are back, and what started out as a simple mishap caused them to be sucked into something huge...

by scribe1020
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Owning a Draik

They cost much more than the average Neopet, and owning one becomes a symbol of one's wealth or dedication to their pets. Upon their discovery, most new Neopians will exclaim: "15 MILLION Neopoints?! Really?" But their bafflement is soon replaced with the yearning for such beautiful creatures – and if there were a list, Draiks would surely earn first place...

Other Stories


A Memory of Disaster
Aurikura closes her eyes, remembering the day clearly. She was in the Golden Dubloon...

by thelonetiel


It's time to go to school.

Giving one last despairing glance at herself, Jodie swings her backpack over her shoulder and leaves her room.

by maraqua_berry


The Fabulous Lifestyle of a Neopian Billionaire!
I am just moments away from interviewing one of the wealthiest Neopians in existence!

by downrightdude


Mini Guide to Treasure Keepers
There are essentially two things you will be doing throughout most of the game – exploring and managing your shop.

by taviela


Kougra Stories- Looking for a job 6/9
Yoshiko and Sorami are looking for a job; will they get one?

by tachiki


My buddy Ghalactic

by snuffie

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