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Neopet Popularity

This page lists the most popular created Neopets. (This doesn't count morphed or labbed Neopets!)

Total pets in Neopia: 287,215,577

Popularity | % Breakdown

1st Place - Shoyru

17,675,579 created

2nd Place - Kacheek

17,453,647 created

3rd Place - Kougra

15,629,473 created

4th - Lupe

5th - Xweetok

6th - Uni

7th - Eyrie

8th - JubJub

9th - Acara: 10,408,339
10th - Gelert: 9,616,384
11th - Grundo: 8,906,129
12th - Usul: 8,524,792
13th - Bruce: 8,113,283
14th - Mynci: 7,584,315
15th - Wocky: 7,496,468
16th - Ixi: 7,097,552
17th - Scorchio: 6,721,310
18th - Zafara: 6,298,595
19th - Aisha: 5,840,945
20th - Grarrl: 5,763,597
21st - Meerca: 5,363,803
22nd - Kau: 5,128,227
23rd - Flotsam: 4,680,106
24th - Peophin: 4,281,611
25th - Bori: 3,938,955
26th - Korbat: 3,905,915
27th - Kyrii: 3,726,464
28th - Pteri: 3,599,187
29th - Elephante: 3,565,651
30th - Chia: 3,476,413
31st - Quiggle: 3,403,206
32nd - Yurble: 3,321,681
33rd - Nimmo: 3,195,460
34th - Skeith: 3,099,080
35th - Techo: 3,069,882
36th - Blumaroo: 3,059,824
37th - Buzz: 2,601,286
38th - Tuskaninny: 2,081,285
39th - Ruki: 2,029,729 (out of 2,060,176)
40th - Ogrin: 1,782,083
41st - Moehog: 1,686,926
42nd - Lenny: 1,621,772
43rd - Gnorbu: 1,535,771
44th - Kiko: 1,166,788 (out of 1,213,400)
45th - Jetsam: 877,288 (out of 958,200)
46th - Cybunny: 671,972 (out of 705,640)
47th - Poogle: 602,751 (out of 670,400)
48th - Tonu: 487,455 (out of 1,322,062)
49th - Chomby: 454,016 (out of 528,800)
50th - Koi: 417,910 (out of 473,500)
51st - Hissi: 366,447 (out of 431,500)
52nd - Vandagyre: 254,141
53rd - Lutari: 147,293 (out of 174,120)
54th - Draik: 90,136 (out of 56,135)

I'm so much more popular than you!

I'll catch up, you just wait!

Wooden Spoon Award!

55th - Krawk