A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 192,959,134 Issue: 672 | 5th day of Celebrating, Y16
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"You gave me your word no one would be harmed," Clayton said. "Nox is dead, and there were people living on the Endless Plains." "Acceptable damage," the Duchess replied.

Royal Pet Ownership

Becoming a Royal pet is more complicated than visiting the Rainbow Pool with a paintbrush in hand. There are some lifestyle changes that need to be anticipated and prepared for, such as the intensive grooming regime, busy social life and the acquirement of suitably monarchical items...

Snow Wars II

Winter festivities and snow are going to be upon us in no time (or maybe already are!) So let's get a new avatar to show off for the occasion! I always thought this avatar was one that set people apart as "good at games." So I brushed it off like "Nah I'll never get that, I'll just go play Meerca...

How Donny Fixes Toys

On the top of Terror Mountain lies the Toy Repair Shop where an elderly and grumpy Bori named Donny can repair almost any toy! Even toys you don't think he'd be able to fix he somehow found a way to repair them as good as new. I decided to ask Donny about his toy repairing skills and how he's...

Other Stories
"To Space!" by 77thbigby
The orange Aisha lay out on the roof of her Neohome, blue gaze sad. For the last six months, ever since her twelfth birthday, Brandi had had a new obsession: space. She'd had a Nedler since she was a young child. He had adjusted well to living in Neopia but she had always done her...

"You Snooze, You Lose" by the_lady_j
A long time ago in the kingdom of Meridell, or perhaps it was just yesterday, before the grumpy Old King Skarl became grumpy or old, he held another of his famous festivals. It wasn't famous for any particular reason, he just enjoyed hosting happy occasions full of lots of...

"Doctor's Orders" by anti_guy
"I don't like it in here, and that doctor is kind of scary," the young Kacheek whimpered to his brother as they were leaving. "He might be scary and a bit gruff, but he is still a very good and efficient doctor," the Blumaroo muttered back. Scary, but efficient. I've heard those before...

Celebrate the Season

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Advent Calendar
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Agent of the Sway: Departure - Part Nine
"Acceptable damage," the Duchess replied.

"You gave me your word!" Clayton said.

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