There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 192,836,860 Issue: 664 | 10th day of Collecting, Y16
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Acceptance, so universally acknowledged as a side dish to love, is always a tricky skill to master.

Dazzling Desert Pets

The Desert Diplomacy event gave us lots of lovely new wearables especially suited Desert pets, but let's not forget the Lost Desert Paint Brush yields the best wearables of all! In this article we'll be taking a look at some of the most impressive and interesting Neopets to hail from the Lost Desert...

Introductions: Elvin

This time I'm interviewing the host from the newest daily in Kiko Lake, Kiko Pop: Elvin. Not much is known about this slick haired (well, as slick as you can get with one hair) Kiko. He appeared suddenly in Kiko Lake with his dart game and doesn't say much else besides a friendly greeting and how to...

Top Mystery Capsules

As the Dreams and Nightmares Mystery Capsule Adventure finishes up, it is a good time to look back through history at some of the best mystery capsules that have been released over the years. But what defines the best mystery capsule? Is it the design of the capsule itself? With some of the capsule...

Other Stories
"Queens and Vagabonds" by microfilariae
"I don't think that belongs to you," Nabile said. Across the room, a younger Ixi stood completely still, eyes wild and searching... no doubt for a quick escape. She empathized; his was a position she'd been in many times in her tenure in the streets. Thieves didn't last long unless they were good at finding novel ways out of sticky situations, and...

"Was Coltzan a Good King?" by reiqua
"Lead the way, young Armak." This last comment was addressed to the young Shoyru. The Shoyru caught his breath momentarily. He was stunned that the king had remembered his name. He was only a junior member of the guard. Then he took to the air in an effort to keep pace with the king's enormous stride. As they left the palace grounds, Coltzan called for half a dozen of the guards...

"Two Siblings and a Petpet" by lizzy_beth_750551
She needed stability. She needed to feel safe and at home. She had grown up dreaming of places and people she'd never seen before and with the thought that maybe one day she'd "go adventure-ing," but the first time she went on an extended, fast-paced, multi-city business trip she'd nearly panicked. There was always the worry that maybe she'd...

Find Your Destiny

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Top Mystery Capsules
As the Dreams and Nightmares Mystery Capsule Adventure finishes up, it is a good time to look back through history at some of the best mystery capsules that have been released over the years.

by szkageyoshi


Dazzling Desert Pets
The Desert Diplomacy event gave us lots of lovely new wearables especially suited Desert pets, but let's not forget the Lost Desert Paint Brush yields the best wearables of all!

by aleu1986


Thyora's Tear
Thyora, being ever adventurous, was packing her backpack with food and supplies one day, bent on fulfilling Illusen's latest quest.

by indulgences


Remembering the Habitarium & Finding New Hobbies
The Habitarium quickly began to provide a place for us to unwind, turn a profit, and care for our little bugs.

But, of course, all good things must come to pass.

by bizniscorg


Children of the Lonely Stars: Part Six
Abruptly, the dress didn't seem so bad. If they were going to meet the non-missing princess, formal was probably better. Subi called back, "Five minutes!"

by saphira_27

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