White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 192,836,860 Issue: 664 | 10th day of Collecting, Y16
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Shop Wizard Secrets

Given his history, when I was offered an exclusive interview with the Shop Wizard himself, I jumped at the chance.

by absdafabs
Dazzling Desert Pets

The Desert Diplomacy event gave us lots of lovely new wearables especially suited Desert pets, but let's not forget the Lost Desert Paint Brush yields the best wearables of all!

by aleu1986
What to Do If You're Cyberbullied on Neopets

Cyberbullying happens everywhere, and it's best to be prepared.

by xxrayray
The Neopian Snakebite Manual

Anyway, suppose you're walking through Sakhmet and you get bitten by a Wadjet. Panic!

by alli_draggy
Character Introductions: Elvin

I'm interviewing the host from the newest daily in Kiko Lake, Kiko Pop: Elvin.

by pikachu315111
More Abandoned Than the Attic

You thought the Almost Abandoned Attic was almost abandoned? Take a look at these stores before they go out of business.

by anti_guy
Are You a Kadoatie or Warf Neopian?

This is something everyone should know about themselves.

by saudadesdagripe
Remembering the Habitarium & Finding New Hobbies

The Habitarium quickly began to provide a place for us to unwind, turn a profit, and care for our little bugs.

But, of course, all good things must come to pass.

by bizniscorg

Gourmet the Vegan Way

I've given my recommendations for what to eat in Neopia's two most famous gourmet restaurants; Kelp and the Golden Dubloon.

by phoenix_through_fire
Top Mystery Capsules

As the Dreams and Nightmares Mystery Capsule Adventure finishes up, it is a good time to look back through history at some of the best mystery capsules that have been released over the years.

by szkageyoshi
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"Two Siblings and a Petpet" by lizzy_beth_750551
She needed stability. She needed to feel safe and at home. She had grown up dreaming of places and people she'd never seen before and with the thought that maybe one day she'd "go adventure-ing," but the first time she went on an extended, fast-paced, multi-city business trip she'd nearly panicked. There was always the worry that maybe she'd...

Other Stories


There was no doubt that Grarrls had a ferocious reputation that went back as far as anyone could remember - the very beginning.

by stararan


The Trials and Tribulations of Kougrahood
Accepting something new can be hard sometimes... but sometimes, something magical might happen when you do!

by gloomrain


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Missing - Part One
"I'm sorry, but the Hidden Tower is closed until further notice," Fyora said. "You two have to leave right now."

by chasing_stars44


The Lonely Stranger: Part Two
Why did we have to study Virtupets culture this year? Ash could've let me skip a class, knowing what talk of Virtupets did to me...

by aircraftcarriers


Superchia Squad (Part 2)
The heroes are taking a well deserved break when...

Idea and dialogue by abductee

by frozenicicles


The Goofers - Party Pooper, part 1
Whatever life may give

by lintsuf

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