There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 192,836,860 Issue: 664 | 10th day of Collecting, Y16
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Short Stories

Thyora's Tear

Thyora, being ever adventurous, was packing her backpack with food and supplies one day, bent on fulfilling Illusen's latest quest.

by indulgences
Caught Between Kingdoms: The Aftermath

Almost a month had passed since the day Meridell was attacked by Lord Kass. Even now, most of the fair city lay in ruins...

by parody_ham
Two Siblings and a Petpet

"You should come with me," he said seriously, his eyes still shining.

by lizzy_beth_750551
Queens and Vagabonds

"I don't think that belongs to you," Nabile said.

by microfilariae
The Trials and Tribulations of Kougrahood

Accepting something new can be hard sometimes... but sometimes, something magical might happen when you do!

by gloomrain

My sister Wonderwand is collecting tea. Yes. You read that correctly. Tea. Of all the things in Neopia to collect.

by geniusbulb
"Was Coltzan a Good King?"

"My lord," repeated the breathless Shoyru. "It's a Monocerous. Near the west gate. I came as fast as I could."

by reiqua
Friday: 1 minute and 27 seconds

"Hello, fellow Neopian, it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. My master is currently away on business..."

by vanquishee

There was no doubt that Grarrls had a ferocious reputation that went back as far as anyone could remember - the very beginning.

by stararan
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"Queens and Vagabonds" by microfilariae
"I don't think that belongs to you," Nabile said. Across the room, a younger Ixi stood completely still, eyes wild and searching... no doubt for a quick escape. She empathized; his was a position she'd been in many times in her tenure in the streets. Thieves didn't last long unless they were good at finding novel ways out of sticky situations, and...

Other Stories


The Neopian Snakebite Manual
Anyway, suppose you're walking through Sakhmet and you get bitten by a Wadjet. Panic!

by alli_draggy


What to Do If You're Cyberbullied on Neopets
Cyberbullying happens everywhere, and it's best to be prepared.

by xxrayray


Agent of the Sway: Departure - Part Two
Considering the Faerieland Academy was home to some of the most magically skilled Faeries and Neopets on the planet, it was surprisingly easy to break into...

by herdygerdy


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Missing - Part One
"I'm sorry, but the Hidden Tower is closed until further notice," Fyora said. "You two have to leave right now."

by chasing_stars44


Surviving the Transition
Some handle it better than others.

by luiten597


Spelling Bee
Enjoy our pun.

Also by vincent7577

by msjanny

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