White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 188,914,574 Issue: 538 | 30th day of Running, Y14
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

In reality, you can play a game much like "Kacheek Seek", although it involves YOU hiding and physically having to move. This can be a scary concept, as reality is in 3D and provides endless possibilities for your foes to hide. Also, it is not the social norm for them to give you money if you end up finding them.

NQIII Faerie Charms

With Neoquest III finally being released – something Neoquest fans have been waiting for for so long – it is hardly surprising that TNT followed the trend to offer some additional NC features for this game: The NQIII Faerie Charms! Usually I tend to ignore NC offers for games, but as this is NQIII we are talking about my curiosity got the better of me and I have to say: I don't regret having bought those charms as TNT did quite well with those...

Sartorial Shoyrus

It's been two years since I last set out the dynamic threads available for your Shoyru. TNT has very kindly given us two new outfits each year, so it is time, methinks, to give an update on those closet-filling numbers. I'm going to recap slightly, just to set the scene a bit: the general trend is that full body items (shirt, jackets, dresses) are more expensive and more difficult to find. They are the main piece of kit in any given outfit and are...

Nova Defender

There are two opposing forces: that of the menacing Mechanova, and you—a lone warrior in pursuit of peace across the galaxies, the Light Nova. This is Nova Defender. In this game, your goal is to progressively defeat each level, battling against the minions of Mechanova, until you ultimately defeat him yourself. This guide is to ensure that your battle is victorious, whether it is to ensure an 1000 NP score each play, to complete...

Other Stories
"In Search of Kero" by ralph89170
He didn't look old, but something in his slow movements suggested years of hardship. He nodded to acknowledge my presence, and then shifted his eyes to the large scar on my forehead. I had foolishly cut myself on a branch in the unfamiliar forests in my rush to arrive here. "I was just wondering... if you'd seen a blue Scorchio? Youngish, a warrior, goes by the name of Kero..."

"The Rumor" by honshusan
"...A Faerie paint brush, and for a bunch of Neopoints, too!" Sky hesitated. Her green crayon fell from its grip in her wing. Fang bought a Faerie paint brush? Wasn't she saving for something..? The Pteri stood, slowly and thoughtfully, her wing stopping at her chin once she was on her feet. That must mean Fang gave up on whatever she was saving for. So who was the Faerie paint brush for?

"Indefinitely Slow" by water_park1993
Kero; a name which bears much strength and bravery. Some might even say that it rhymes with Hero... But in the humble opinion of this Blue Scorchio he is nothing more than a strong warrior who altruistically wants to help Neopia. If he wanted to be a simple warrior, he would have settled with a job at the National Neopian for security reasons, but as it is, he chose the difficult path of saving...

Experience a better tomorrow!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Roo Island Gummy Dice Industry Council
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Great stories!


Weather Forecast - Evil Clown Repellent

by hawkpaw098


A Guide to the NQIII Faerie Charms
For those of you who are still unsure whether or not to get the charms and more importantly how best to use them, let me give you an overview on those fascinating NQIII Faerie Charms.

by chaotizitaet


3 Royals plus 1
That is the reason!

by white_tiger0226


i still dont know what to name this comic...
in which i failo shade a comic

by laser_fire


Tips for Surviving the Neopocalypse
The outer world, or reality, is a place which Neopians need to tread carefully.

by lilshadowdweller

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