For an easier life Circulation: 184,867,938 Issue: 488 | 1st day of Eating, Y13
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"And why would I do that? If I wanted to help, I would not be living in seclusion in the Haunted Woods," replied Ilere.

Clearing the Storm

Are you like me and are addicted to Neopet's newest game, Clearing the Storm? Are you still confused exactly how to play? Or do you just want some pointers so that you can win that beautiful gold trophy? Well, don't worry because I've compiled a comprehensive guide that will help you become a Clearing the Storm master in no time! In Clearing the Storm, you play as Gadden, the blue Lutari wizard who was responsible for clearing the storm and forging the orb that helped make Lutari Island open to...

Guide to Lutari Island

I'll start with the Lutari Savings Bank, because who doesn't like money? (Neopians who reject the principle of monetary success as life's ultimate goal and choose to live self-sustainingly, that's who, but I'm not here to talk about them.) This is pretty much like the National Neopian—you can withdraw, deposit, and collect interest. However, if you think about it, it's actually very convenient. Imagine this: You're in the Island Market (I'll get to that later), happily bartering for food and books and the like, when you...

E-Z Brand's Experimenting Kits

Greetings, sir or madam, I am here on the behalf of E-Z inc. hoping to convince you to try one of our many amazing products. E-Z offers a wide range of products bound to please every Neopian. Our exciting at-home experimenting kits are educative and fun, perfect for all those young curious Neopets. I will now show you our fascinating collection. You might want to stand back a little. Perfect.

Other Stories
"The Family Reunion" by thediractor
She came home with this Royal Paint Brush sitting on a satin pillow, and something called a Rainbow Pool catalog. She flipped through it, glancing from the page to Parker and back to the page and then at me, as we sat eating cereal at our kitchen table. And I remember how scared and awful I felt when she looked from the page to my brother and me...

"And She Never Returned" by nut862
When he left, she would go back to daydreaming about Lutari Island, fantasizing a thousand different ways of going there and a thousand different things she would do first when she reached it. Adrian would come, of course; he would see at once why she loved it so much, and take a well-deserved break to let her show him the sights. She would know...

"A Rescue for Callie" by roboticc
The little Aisha had decided to go out for a jog, and had proudly padded along the road for an impressive half an hour before she realised that she had to make it all the way back home too. Now she was exhausted, her breaths coming fast, and was several miles away from home with no way of returning... except her own two feet. Slowly she turned around...

Is Your Neopet A Star?

This week's issue is brought to you by: Pet Spotlight
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Great stories!


Cabbage Generals Are Rude, or How I Doomed the World With Vegetables
It began with a routine trip to everyone's favorite magic shop. As usual, the store was packed to its gills with shoppers....

by dan4884


Welcome, young one.

Art by alagfalaswen

by mayonise


Land of Pacman
Lutari Island is pretty impressive, isn't it?

by pacmanite


Lutari Island Troubles
"Isle of paradise"...Yeah right.

by icon109


The Quiggle Who Wanted a Home
She pushed back the branches with a trembling fin, then jumped back in surprise when she saw the pair of bulging eyes staring right at her.

by alt1981black

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