A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 184,867,938 Issue: 488 | 1st day of Eating, Y13
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Masterful Power-up Play: A Guide to Key Quest Gold

Key Quest is an amazing, rich game that combines elements of strategy, arcade-style games, and random chance.

by operatur
Reselling on the Trading Post: An In-Depth Guide

If you plan on reselling, you had better plan on being rejected over and over again. Persistence is the key.

by derrangeddragon
Backgrounds on a Budget

As hard as it is to customize beautifully, sometimes the right background can make or break an entire outfit.

by lutari_lover_555
Clearing the Storm - A Lutari Island Game Guide

In Clearing the Storm, you play as Gadden, the blue Lutari wizard who was responsible for clearing the storm and forging the orb that helped make Lutari Island open to the public.

by vanessa1357924680
A Letter of Complaint

To the Managers of the Lutari Island Tourists' Association...

by chocolate_lover67
The Real Scoop on Ice Cream Machine

Where does all that ice cream end up?

by foedus
Zap Me Twice, Shame on Me

One word: Boochi.

by nascar19nfl
A Traveler's Guide to Lutari Island

My comprehensive guide to the many exciting features of Lutari Island.

by trisshamster
Vampire Neopets; A Short Guide

When raising a non-evil but not necessarily good vampiric neopet, one must discourage random attacks on normal Neopians...

by magicalcameron
Neoplants vs Zombies

You've tried fences, misleading direction signs, and even handing out brain ice cream to keep those zombies away, but they just keep coming back. What are you doing wrong?

by lil_princess_of_evil
Shoyru Feast Foods

Do you want to see your Shoyru's face light up in surprise and delight when they see their meal? Here's your guide!

by chestnuttiger787
E-Z Brand's Experimenting Kits

E-Z Brand's wide range of products is sure to please every Neopian!

by mypetsandi
Species Guide to Shoyrus

Shoyrus are known for being extremely cute, friendly and sometimes mischievous. They have the prestigious title of the most popular pets in Neopia.

by saphireblue3
Snazzy Gifts for Shoyru Day!

It's that time of year again –that's right, it's Shoyru Day once more!

Also by xbebedawlx

by retrean

Article Spies - Lutari Islanders

Lutari: What are you two doing here? This beach is strictly off-limits to visitors!

Also by water_park1993

by birdinggal

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"The Family Reunion" by thediractor
She came home with this Royal Paint Brush sitting on a satin pillow, and something called a Rainbow Pool catalog. She flipped through it, glancing from the page to Parker and back to the page and then at me, as we sat eating cereal at our kitchen table. And I remember how scared and awful I felt when she looked from the page to my brother and me...

Other Stories


The Quiggle Who Wanted a Home
She pushed back the branches with a trembling fin, then jumped back in surprise when she saw the pair of bulging eyes staring right at her.

by alt1981black


And She Never Returned
Her memories of that island floated in and out, bound to appear and disappear like the silhouettes of the island's own palm trees in the mist, always coming and going and never floating within reach.

Art by nut862

by nut862


Mission For Knowledge: Part One
"Your college application, eh?" the post Chia asked as he took it and placed it in the appropriate box for sending off later that day.

by halloweens_lady


Meridell at War: Part Three
Though absorbed in the task at hand, Darigan could not help but notice when the candle lighting his desk flickered momentarily, casting fresh shadows...

by herdygerdy


Neo Items #2 - Red Bass Drum
Mallet sold separately.

by jemima_kitty24


Peophins & Unis
Let's race!

by replying

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