Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 174,878,201 Issue: 412 | 2nd day of Collecting, Y11
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

The Lucky Streak avatar has a price much higher than any other avatar available: your sanity.

Guide to Grarrl Day

You may be wondering what is so special about Grarrl Day... maybe not, but that's okay. This guide will help you understand the awesomeness that we call "Grarrl Day." What is a better way to spend your Grarrl Day than trying to get Grarrl-themed avatars? Here are a few avatars that you can attempt to obtain: (I'm not going to tell you the solution, just some information on them!)...

Fabulous Fashions

Now that school is starting up again, it's time to think of some stylish pants, skirts, tops, and shoes, oh my! After all, we can't go to class in our pajamas and definitely not in last year's fashions. Yes, picking out the right outfit can be quite stressful especially for the first day. Don't fret, though, because by the end of this you'll be style savvy and putting your best foot out the door...

The Inflation Blame Game

What produces neopoints out of thin air? That's right: Gaming, and nothing but gaming. Restockers, inasmuch as they restock, are only exchanging neopoints from one sector of the economy to another. Hence, it seems perfectly clear that gaming is the only cause of inflation. But here's the sticking point: It's not. I'm here to tell you the rest of the story...

Other Stories
"Evil Overlord Fire vs. Neopian Hero Sky" by kreepyjess and mineismine99
I spend my days plotting the conquest and destruction of the neoverse. Someday I shall RULE all you pathetic minions... err... I mean loyal subjects. I shall be the most handsome evil overlord that any Neopian could dream of! As my first order of business, I shall construct statues of myself in every Neopian marketplace...

"DI Cenlyr and The Case of the Coffee Shop Mynci" by archrona
He nodded, picking his newspaper up again, and Julita went to check on a pair of Kikos sitting at a corner table. When she came back to ask if the yellow Gelert wanted a refill, he declined regretfully and stood up, saying he had to leave now. He held out his hand for Julita to shake, with another broad grin. She felt one of his claws...

"Tauri's Big Day" by lobstrosities and ennaxor60
Tauri half-turned to the owner of the voice, and then followed the little Harris as he strode through the room. He was wearing a miniature superhero suit, dark red with yellow stripes. "Well, this is surely something," Tauri said to herself and the Harris turned briskly towards her. "Are you commenting on The Great Peacekeeper Charles Harrisey The Third!?"

Actions Speak Louder Than Herds

This week's issue is brought to you by: Extreme Herder 2
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The Study of Maraquan Pets
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Answer: Of course not! All neopets need to drink water!

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Neopian Anomaly
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A Journey in Meridell
I hope we'll survive this.

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Scars: X Marks the Parlax
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