Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 174,878,201 Issue: 412 | 2nd day of Collecting, Y11
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Continued Series

Celandine: Part Eight

"What right do you have to rob her of her freedom?" Para asked angrily. "Or any of us?"

by yampuff
Underdogs: Part Six

The rescue workers kept moving, methodically working their way down the mountain. That Lupe had delayed them.

Art by nut862

by nut862

Island's Own: Part Seven

I had heard stories about Geraptiku as well, and I was scared I'd have to go inside the tomb and brave the traps, but fortunately, I noticed a small set of stairs...

by laurvail
Ember and the Chocolate Ball: Part Three

There was a chocolate fountain comparable in size to the famous Money Tree, numerous games with unreleased chocolate delicacies as prizes, and an enormous chocolate cake draped in strawberry frosting and realistic candy flowers...

by hc_huggle
The Traitor: Part Four

Lockwood's first vain, hopeful thought upon waking was that the whole thing might have been a dream.

by jokerhahaazzz
There is No Cost to Friendship: Part Two

Only fifty-four more minutes until the end of the period. "May I sit here?" Brooke quickly looked up and saw a red Ogrin...

by jbergz8495
The Foster: Part Four

Twenty minutes after the mac and cheese incident, Sam and her large foster family were entering Pizzaroo...

by babygirl229911
The Dangers of Being A Faerieland Reporter: Part Three

I struggled to remember what day it was and then soon came to an assertion that I had dreaded. It was the date of my trial.

by black_skull725
Quests in the Lost Desert: Part Two

"Where are they going?" asked Horace. A gust of wind reminded them all how dangerous the Lost Desert could be at night.

by a_purplepossum
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"Evil Overlord Fire vs. Neopian Hero Sky" by kreepyjess and mineismine99
I spend my days plotting the conquest and destruction of the neoverse. Someday I shall RULE all you pathetic minions... err... I mean loyal subjects. I shall be the most handsome evil overlord that any Neopian could dream of! As my first order of business, I shall construct statues of myself in every Neopian marketplace...

Other Stories


Scars: X Marks the Parlax
"I've been talking to a lot of people around here, and there's only one possible way Parlax got his scar..."

by tashni


DI Cenlyr and The Case of the Coffee Shop Mynci
A pale yellow Gelert was walking in the door. He was wrapped in a large brown coat and he tucked a fedora hat under his elbow as he walked to the counter.

by archrona


The Neopian Food Review: Tyrannian Foods
Possibly the nastiest review yet.

by mrpanda1


Shenkuu Warrior: The Ascent to the Peak
What is Shenkuu Warrior, and how is it played? A few tips to assist you in climbing to the peak.

by kathleen_a_b


Geraptiku and the Cursed Wave, Part 10
Run, run, as fast as you can!!

by buizelmaniac


Your mind will be blown.

by seth123456

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