Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 174,878,201 Issue: 412 | 2nd day of Collecting, Y11
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New Series

The Greatest Story Never Told: Part One

"He can't let the truth get out now, can't you see? Our story would ruin him, he knew it would!"

by tanikagillam
Jimmy's Vacation: Part One

Jimmy looked around the room at the multitude of presents that scattered the plush carpet...

by 5qua5h5qua5h
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Fabulous Fashions

Now that school is starting up again, it's time to think of some stylish pants, skirts, tops, and shoes, oh my! After all, we can't go to class in our pajamas and definitely not in last year's fashions. Yes, picking out the right outfit can be quite stressful especially for the first day. Don't fret, though, because by the end of this you'll be style savvy and putting your best foot out the door...

Other Stories


Tauri's Big Day
This was the fifth day she had been at the Space Station, simply looking at people strolling past. They all seemed to have such interesting lives.

Also by ennaxor60

by lobstrosities


Scars: X Marks the Parlax
"I've been talking to a lot of people around here, and there's only one possible way Parlax got his scar..."

by tashni


Gwyl's Great Escape Guide
As flash games go, Gywl's Great Escape is one of the hidden gems on Neopets. Rather than requiring the lightning reflexes needed for many other games, this is a game requiring precision, control and judgment.

by htamale


Concert Chronicles
Read about your favorite concerts to help you decide for your next visit!

by kmj218


Your mind will be blown.

by seth123456


Something Smells Fishie
That is NOT how you play Kacheek Seek...

by luckyfishie

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