Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 170,315,394 Issue: 392 | 15th day of Hunting, Y11
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

I must buy more pie.

Looking For A Guild

A guild is someplace which is supposed to feel like a second home. You're probably looking for a guild that will have that feel to it. If you are, then here are some tips while searching for a guild. The Neoboards are the most obvious choice. Still, a lot counts on about what criteria you write on the boards that will help you find a nice guild for you. You're probably going to spend a lot of time on the Neoboards when finding a guild, and some criteria to mention are...

The Snowager

Most refer to him as “The Snowager”, but you can’t honestly say you know for sure if that’s his name or not. I mean, his name could actually be something simple like Bob or Icey, or perhaps Mr. Grumps since he obviously does not enjoy a bit of companionship when you care to drop in and say a polite old, “Hello Chum! How are the toys festering today?” But of course, that is quite reasonable for a big old icey monster. But is he really a monster? Is he really a mean...

Scarab 21: Simple?

Scarab 21 is an easy game to learn how to play, but requires a little luck and a lot of strategy to master. There are five columns in which you can place cards. To clear a column, you either need to get the cards to add up to twenty-one exactly or to have five cards in one column be equal to or less than twenty-one. Aces are worth either one or eleven point(s) and all face cards are worth ten. Once you use up all the cards in the deck...

Other Stories
"Invaders of Meridell" by ginny_invisible
He has never finished the game, but he has gotten to Mission Five once (upon reaching it, he promptly lost). He is now old and feeble, forgetful, and sometimes a bit mixed up to whether the game he is playing is real or just a board game. He still remembers the real invasion of his own loved country, Meridell, and sometimes the lines blur a little...

"When You Break a Neopet" by _____wings_____
Bonju pushed past Hoban with a stack of plates in his hands, sending the Navigator reeling against the opposite wall. "Watch it!" he called, but the chef paid no attention and vanished inside the kitchen. Sighing, Hoban glanced towards the table. A single plate was left, with a meager assortment of a quarter potato and a tiny, neopoint sized slice...

"A Good Day" by whiskerun
"My owner - well, my old one - abandoned me like I thought he would." For a moment Fang was speechless. He didn't know what to say; he remembered the day after he met Sierra, about three months ago, when she told him that she thought her owner was going to abandon her. And now... he had? But the pink Gelert just started laughing. "No, don't..."

Excellence Is Overrated

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Wheel of Mediocrity
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Invaders of Meridell: Part One
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Let's Dance!
Humiliation at its finest.

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