Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 170,315,394 Issue: 392 | 15th day of Hunting, Y11
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Short Stories

Being Gilly

"I just don't understand her," said Sophie to any Meowclopses in the room. "How can she be so cheerful and smiley all the time?"

by a_greenparrot
A Good Day

Outside, the weather was cold and rainy. If it had been a warmer and sunnier day, then Fang would have been outside playing. But no...

by whiskerun
A Better Magic

Tanya smoothed her clothes worriedly and looked around. "Well, it's a lovely house," she began slowly. "Plenty of fun fixing-up, eh, guys?"

by triss_melon
Reflections in Moonlight

"I'll tell you why," Crone broke in suddenly, with her rasping voice. "They're all part of this, all of them."

by shadowninjawarrior
A Legend Is Born

Sayde had heard of the mystical Snowager, but had never had the courage to enter his cave.

by tanikagillam
When You Break a Neopet

Tuan gazed after him, worried and sad. "When you break a toy... it's easy to fix," he murmured...

by _____wings_____
The Lucky One

Ben was unlucky.

by cookie___crumbs
Spyder Lane

He raised a fiery brow mischievously. "What, are you chicken?"

by jenniamelia
In the Shade of the Chestnut Tree

Bryce patted the bag of Neopoints in his pocket to make sure it was still there before approaching the shopkeeper...

by reggieman721
Teacher's Pet

Mr. Mytho was the new teacher at Maya's school. He seemed to be always losing his patience with students...

by penskii
Destiny in the Sky

The Farmer. That's me. Well, sort of. That's my constellation.

by jayo289
Enduring The Heat

Pink had decided that it would be a good idea to move to the Lost Desert.

by pink_iemonade
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Looking For A Guild

A guild is someplace which is supposed to feel like a second home. You're probably looking for a guild that will have that feel to it. If you are, then here are some tips while searching for a guild. The Neoboards are the most obvious choice. Still, a lot counts on about what criteria you write on the boards that will help you find a nice guild for you. You're probably going to spend a lot of time on the Neoboards when finding a guild, and some criteria to mention are...

Other Stories


Plunder Pirates, Play Krawps
Krawps is a complicated game on the surface, but it's not difficult once you get used to how it's played.

by teaspill


The Pirate Interview
We're going to meet some fans.

by streamergurl


The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Yanked Yooyus - Part Eleven
He didn't take a seat, but waited rather awkwardly near the kitchen doorway.

He's waiting to make an escape, I thought.

by playmobil_is_my_life


Confessions of a Morphed Xweetok: Part One
"Ooh, that dirty Uni... she makes me so mad..."

by beautiful_sim


the floating islanders
It's raining neggs!!

by yankeesrule244444456


Freedom to the Funny Pages- Korbats
The ultimate discovery - by Star

by nickulla

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