Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 170,315,394 Issue: 392 | 15th day of Hunting, Y11
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Continued Series

The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Yanked Yooyus - Part Eleven

He didn't take a seat, but waited rather awkwardly near the kitchen doorway.

He's waiting to make an escape, I thought.

by playmobil_is_my_life

Messenger: Just Another Pirate Tale - Part Six

"To truly betray someone, you have to have been on their side. And I was never on your side."

by hedgehog_queen
A Rainbow Behind Dark Clouds: Part Three

As the Month of Eating loomed on the near horizon, Amy was more nervous than ever about adopting her dream pet...

by tiquandowitch
The Wish: Part Five

"Fyora's Jewel?!" she gasped, a hundred expressions flying across her face. "Did she leave it with the little Zafara?"

by newmoon653
Intrigue at the Altador Cup: Part Four

As he approached the stadium, Fredrick dipped into an alley and sampled another of his potions.

by herdygerdy
The Water Faerie Necklace: Part Four

Julie sat on the ground. It was too much to take in. "I wish I could remember what the scroll said," she whispered.

by jbergz8495
A Trip to Remember: Part Two

"Wake up, Dellayn!" Shei yelled in the Gelert's ear. "It's morning, the blizzard has passed, the sun is shining, and the snow is fresh! Get UP!"

by majikel
The One about Lightmites: Part Three

Success at last! I dare not write it down now, for my paws are trembling so mightily, I fear I may spill ink and ruin all!

by jack_skelling10
The School Witch: Part Two

"So you're okay with being second best?"

by unosilvah
Rosie the Plushie: Part Two

The Hissi was losing; he never really was the best at poker. Finally, he had nothing left, except that plushie he pulled from the dumpster.

by neekoe
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"A Good Day" by whiskerun
"My owner - well, my old one - abandoned me like I thought he would." For a moment Fang was speechless. He didn't know what to say; he remembered the day after he met Sierra, about three months ago, when she told him that she thought her owner was going to abandon her. And now... he had? But the pink Gelert just started laughing. "No, don't..."

Other Stories


A Better Magic
Tanya smoothed her clothes worriedly and looked around. "Well, it's a lovely house," she began slowly. "Plenty of fun fixing-up, eh, guys?"

by triss_melon


A Good Day
Outside, the weather was cold and rainy. If it had been a warmer and sunnier day, then Fang would have been outside playing. But no...

by whiskerun


Questions for "The Snowager"
"Hello Chum! How are the toys festering today?"

by peppermentpawslynn


Sound All Around: Music In Neopia
Neopian instruments are one of the fastest selling items on the market – but shopping for the right instrument can be tricky.

Also written by windatmyback

by danceswithpampers


Time to play!
Inspired by my neopet's bickering behavior.

by citrusrain


This Might Get Dicey...
A passing Blumaroo says...

by can_i_get_frozen

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