Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 134,586,010 Issue: 276 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y9
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"There is no point in wishing every Neopet better luck, as the more Neopets with better luck, the smaller the chances of actually achieving better luck."

Spacecraft of Neopia

What is it that kept the world from impending doom when Dr. Sloth decided to invade from the Virtupets Space Station? Not people throwing rocks in the sky. What was it that helped Gorix and Cylara escape from Sloth's tyranny? Not a unicycle. (That wasn't a Uni joke!) After spending some time studying (joyriding *cough*) the various spacecraft used by Kreludor and Neopia alike...

The Ten Worst Jobs

You most likely think nothing of them; you might not even give them a second glance... but if YOU were stuck with their jobs, you might at least spare a pity smile. Listed here are the ten worst EVER jobs that any Neopian could possibly think of. It just might get you to think twice about how dedicated they really are to improving the site for everyone. Or maybe they just lost a bet...

Your Guide to the Volcano

The world of Tyrannia boasts many fantastic things – like the new Volcano Run II! So, you're desperate to help Glubgar to find his way out of the pickle he's gotten himself into this time in the return of Volcano Run, are you? If you're very concerned for Glubgar's well-being (and perhaps, you're interested in a shiny new avatar, and maybe a shiny new trophy for your lookup!), then...

Other Stories
"Legend of the Voidberry" by ummagine3284
Some say it came from Meridell, some say it was created by dark magic during the darkest of night, and some say it just suddenly appeared. There are many more theories about how the berry came to be, but only one of them is correct. That one happens to be the tale of how the Voidberry...

"Why Battle Ducks' Eyes Bulge" by staticbaby337
"Soon Duckkles saved up her neopoints and bought as many battle ducks as she could lay her hands on. When she ran out of neopoints, she went and played games until she earned enough to buy all the battle ducks in Neopia. She restocked for her shop for hours, trying to earn more..."

"Operation Usuki Outta Here" by 24meepit13
Living with a bunch of little sisters is really tough on a guy like me, especially since the little sisters are huge Usuki fans. My three little sisters are baby Usul triplets, and, because of their "cute looks," my owner, Katrina, spoils them with anything they want. And the only thing they want, are, yup, Usukis...

Sharpen Your Strategy

This week's issue is brought to you by: Godori
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The Top 10 Most Common Mistakes Lookup Makers Make
Of course, we are only scratching the surface of the mistakes people tend to make while creating their masterpieces, but here are the most detrimental...

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Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Jealousy - Part Four
Well, sometimes she didn't want to be practical. Sometimes she wanted to do something wild and crazy, just to prove that she could...

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Sword of the Shapeshifter: Part One
And then, a number of weeks ago- Vex was no longer certain how long it had been- Lord Darigan had also disappeared...

Art by sarahleeadvent

by sarahleeadvent


Why Isn't Anyone Joining My Guild? (Part 2)
There are numerous factors. This time I dedicate my piece to a person who ultimately makes or breaks a newborn guild: the leader.

by squekepiggie123


Gnorbu Day 2007
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! My hair!!!!

by sistersmazoky

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