Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 134,586,010 Issue: 276 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y9
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New Series

Sword of the Shapeshifter: Part One

And then, a number of weeks ago- Vex was no longer certain how long it had been- Lord Darigan had also disappeared...

Art by sarahleeadvent

by sarahleeadvent

Afternoon Tea: Part One

"I got a promotion at work," she said, blowing on her tea. "I'm now the Assistant Finance Manager..."

by reggieman721
The Mirror of Memories: Part One

There were tons of people crowding the house, and I immediately ran upstairs to try and find some of my friends who I knew would be there. Some people stared at my slippers as I climbed the huge staircase...

by sytra
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The Ten Worst Jobs

You most likely think nothing of them; you might not even give them a second glance... but if YOU were stuck with their jobs, you might at least spare a pity smile. Listed here are the ten worst EVER jobs that any Neopian could possibly think of. It just might get you to think twice about how dedicated they really are to improving the site for everyone. Or maybe they just lost a bet...

Other Stories


Operation Usuki Outta Here
My three little sisters are baby Usul triplets, and, because of their "cute looks," my owner, Katrina, spoils them with anything they want. And the only thing they want, are, yup, Usukis...

by 24meepit13


Tiramisu and the Gems
The rainbow Kougra checked her pack for the fifth time in an hour. Everything was there – her beloved yellow Cybunny plushie, some water, some food, a healing potion, and the three gems...

by bootpelt


Why Isn't Anyone Joining My Guild? (Part 2)
There are numerous factors. This time I dedicate my piece to a person who ultimately makes or breaks a newborn guild: the leader.

by squekepiggie123


Neopian Guide to Spacecraft
After spending some time studying (joyriding *cough*) the various spacecraft used by Kreludor and Neopia alike, I've compiled this list of ships for use by a skilled pilot...

by sparkie399


Gnorbu Day 2007
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! My hair!!!!

by sistersmazoky


Pete and Larry Take Over Neopia
Poor Larry is just along for the ride...

by dragon_and_the_fly

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