Meow Circulation: 134,586,010 Issue: 276 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y9
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Volcano Run II - In-Depth Guide

So, you're desperate to help Glubgar to find his way out of the pickle he’s gotten himself into this time in the return of Volcano Run, are you?

by mzkimmi
Games and the Board: The Perfect Formula?

The game board is a spectacular area to find and ask for tips from fellow Neopians. From the very experienced to the similarly confused you can get many, many replies that will reveal some of the most useful tips you will ever find!

by godsowngodzilla
Top 10 Worst Neopian Jobs

We see them every day. Those poor, tortured Neopian souls with the absolute WORST jobs ever.

by x_boomerang_energy_x
Forever Whirling: The Lost Desert Fruit Machine

The Fruit Machine is a Lost Desert daily attraction that allows each Neopian family one free spin per day. Though many are simply advised to have better luck tomorrow, prizes range from desert food to Battledome items, to paintbrushes...

by ampolin1
Why Isn't Anyone Joining My Guild? (Part 2)

There are numerous factors. This time I dedicate my piece to a person who ultimately makes or breaks a newborn guild: the leader.

by squekepiggie123
Into Defending?

In the game, you will have a number of neopets pictures and a question presented to you. To answer the question, click on the picture of the correct answer.

by georgina_248
Turmac Roll: A History

Never once, in my two years of playing the game has that thing EVER grown. It makes no sense! If the instructions say the thing will grow, then gosh darn it, it should grow!

by sarcaism7
Neopian Guide to Spacecraft

After spending some time studying (joyriding *cough*) the various spacecraft used by Kreludor and Neopia alike, I've compiled this list of ships for use by a skilled pilot...

by sparkie399
The Top 10 Most Common Mistakes Lookup Makers Make

Of course, we are only scratching the surface of the mistakes people tend to make while creating their masterpieces, but here are the most detrimental...

by derangedsmile
Morguss: Behind the Ugly

We're here at the edge of Darigan Citadel, which isn't exactly the safest place to be standing.

Also by extreme_fj0rd

by dan4884

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Spacecraft of Neopia

What is it that kept the world from impending doom when Dr. Sloth decided to invade from the Virtupets Space Station? Not people throwing rocks in the sky. What was it that helped Gorix and Cylara escape from Sloth's tyranny? Not a unicycle. (That wasn't a Uni joke!) After spending some time studying (joyriding *cough*) the various spacecraft used by Kreludor and Neopia alike...

Other Stories


The Lucky Kau
The Skeith snorted and Nina looked up at him abruptly. "I'm selling paint brushes," he said gruffly. "Real cheap..."

by _supreme_dragon


Operation Usuki Outta Here
My three little sisters are baby Usul triplets, and, because of their "cute looks," my owner, Katrina, spoils them with anything they want. And the only thing they want, are, yup, Usukis...

by 24meepit13


In This Together: Part Nine
Startled, Mhairia looked over to see what had happened. But another pair of eyes, dark and puzzled, were fixed on me now. My brother seemed locked in a struggle to speak, to recognise my face, as he stared at me...

by rainbow_daydreamer


Legacy of the Lost: Part Two
All of a sudden, the two pets were pulled upwards out of the water and onto dry land. "All right, let's take a look at how you guys look- OH MY GOODNESS!" Athmica shrieked...

by kimssuperanimals


Z0MG! Call the PPL
Underneath those grains of soot is a metaphorical heart.

by xxkesenaitsumixx


I'm gonna repeat everything you say.

Art by kamikatze24

by allyssa_renne

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