White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 127,792,023 Issue: 260 | 6th day of Collecting, Y8
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"That h'ain't the way h'it goes! Yew got ter sing the part h'about the fried Quiggle befores you go singin' out about the drownded Ogrin!"

Artifacts: Useful?

I'm sure everyone has made a trip to visit Fyora in the Hidden Tower at some point or another. Whether you're a Battledomer or just browsing her collection, the finest items in Neopia come at a hefty price (usually in the high thousands, low millions), which most Neopians can't afford. But are her items only for use against opponents in the Battledome, or do they have everyday purposes?

On the Cup: Dasher Soley

"Those lubbers thought they'd got us, wi' that huge lump of a forward who does nothin' but stand in front o' the goal an' rocket in th' shots. But if he don't get the Yooyu, he don't score nothin', so we played to stop th' Yooyu gettin' near 'im an' it worked. An' we've got good ol' Garven [Hale] in goal, so even when those flower-heads got th' Yooyu to him, Volgoth couldn't do anythin' with it..."

Petpetpets: Let's Not Be Hasty

Unfortunate side effects of petpetpet inhabitation can be whining, scratching and running around in circles; to allow petpets to endure this discomfort seems cruel. The solution to the petpetpet dilemma is therefore unclear. However, I do have a suggestion of several steps that can be taken to prevent the situation reaching a stage where the only solution is the purchase of the Slime Gun loaded up with a full round of gooey ammunition...

Other Stories
"The Right Kind of Family" by _ducky_dude__
I shuffled from one foot to another while trying to put on an I don't know what you're talking about but I'll see if I can help sort of expression. Believe me, this is not the easiest expression for a cornered Lupe to make. I was just about to burst into a hastily made-up explanation, when Mill burst into the room. "Shelly! Bo's stuck in the toilet!"

"Erew: The Seventh Abandoning" by jamice_muff_muff
Dr._Death put his head in his hands and didn't look up for several minutes. Erew waited patiently by his desk, his tail twitching from side to side. The Lupe was used to this behavior - it happened every time. For him, at least. He knew perfectly well that Dr._Death didn't want to put up with him anymore; he was just plain sick of seeing Erew turning up...

"Why Not Spike?" by honshusan
At first, the prospect of getting a new Petpet was an excellent idea in Leven's mind. His old Petpet, a Pirate Faellie by the name of ScurvySpike, had never really liked him. And he was a great fan of Yooyuball, so a Yooyu would make a great Petpet. Yes, Leven had decided. Spike was out, and Yooyu was in. But the look on Spike's face as he was taken out the door of 494991 Bread Street...

For the Little Villain in Your Family

This week's issue is brought to you by: Darigan Toys
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Floored Rorru!
Rorru needs a break!

Art by m3rcuri

by autoc007


A Tavern-full of Fun: An Interview with Dasher Soley
"... An' there I was, bright pink, wearin' a poxy flowery hat, sat in the middle o' the PetPet Puddle, surrounded by dozens o' the little critters, with a crowd of Haunted Woods fans comin' down th' road towards me!"

by rookina


And You're Covered in Paint Because?
The pant devil strikes again!!

by zhou_ying


Storm Center: Cyodrake's Gaze
Eye of the Storm is an extremely easy puzzle game, needing a bit of luck for some parts of it. You see, the Gaze is under one of the two hundred and forty tiles on the game board, along with its crew and a few special tiles thrown in just for fun. This guide will show you just how easy the game is, the different ways that you can play it, how you can win it and what does what.

by visorak_commander


Bubble Trouble!
Dung is lyk... soooo kewl!!!

Idea by seeing_starz932

by rose_of_eternity_69

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