The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 126,511,783 Issue: 256 | 8th day of Gathering, Y8
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"I am seriously trying to help you here. You just have to trust me."

Usukis: Wonder Toys?

Here's the basic description of Usukis: they're dolls, based on the shape of a pet, who dress up in different costumes and are perfect things to collect. There are new and old, common and rare, but they're all very stylish. The thing is, how come everyone loves them? HOW COME EVERYONE WANTS THEM? So I've put this article together just to try see why...

Slothproofing Your Life

We've all heard of Dr. Frank Sloth. He's done all manner of evil things, such as lighting robots on fire and chasing them, taking over the New Features, mutating our pets, and other various things. What if you could humiliate him in public? That would definitely be worth seeing. Of course, you could do other sneaky things to get rid of the green evildoer...

Collecting 101

Of course, the first step has to be to decide what you want to collect. You should pick something you enjoy, and something that is in your price range. Sure, it would be nice to have a gallery of every single paint brush, but that's not realistic if you only have 100k. You should also take into consideration how many of that item there is. If there are 203948234082098 things of a certain category, like 'food', then you might not want to collect that item...

Other Stories
"Alias: Amy Rose; Occupation: Spy" by parmadur
The Shadow Acara awoke with a bright light shining in her eyes and a harsh voice yelling in her ear. "What's your name? What's your owner's name?" the voice shouted again. "Whisper!" she replied, but then winced. "I mean, Amy Rose. Yeah. And my owner's name is, uh..."

"A Light in the Darkness" by dubble_trubble
"Here we are! You're going to love it here! I'll let you do anything you want. I promise." Blair rambled on and on, oblivious to the Eyrie's surly and cynical mood as he stalked by her side. "Here I am," he thought, "with the most clueless airhead ever to walk Neopia..."

"The Believer" by horsesrocktkw
I had always believed in water faeries, unlike everyone else. And looking back, I guess that I didn't have any evidence to support my belief, having never spotted a faerie of this sort. I had seen every other faerie variety, but never one with a tail or one who swam through the waves with grace...

Keep an Eye on the Gaze

This week's issue is brought to you by: Eye of the Storm
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Don't worry about it.

by scar19


Hannah and the Pirate Boy: Curse of the Medallion - Part Five
Garin spun around but didn't even get a chance to react. Hannah had released her fist on his face. He recoiled. Hannah ran forward and grabbed the dagger from his side. She spun him around, slammed him against a post, and held the blade against the back of his neck...

by lldff


Alias: Amy Rose; Occupation: Spy
"All right, then," announced the Grundo by Whisper's bed, "You all pass - except for the Shadow Acara here who can't decide what her name is. Go back to sleep."

by parmadur


The Kougra Klan: Part Six
The place was like a labyrinth of corridors, each one as dark, dingy and depressing as the next. Sometimes another Kougra Klan member would pass them, sneering at Riyita...

by ikea_sale


The Protecter Chronicles: The Beginning of the End - Part One
Algerdon gaped in shock. Home? Wait, there must be some mistake, he wanted to shout, but it was too late. Dr_death unlocked his door, and a rare smile flitted across his features for a moment...

by angelfire_from_above

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